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"Happy birthday to Carter and Camillaaaaa, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu," everyone sang as Carter and Camilla blew their cupcakes out,

"Mama," Camilla pointed at her cupcake for approval to dig in. I nodded at her and looked at Carter who already had icing everywhere.

"They're so precious. I can't believe a year has passed already," Yandice hugged me handing me a gift for my babies.

"I know right, I wish they could stay babies forever," I sighed honestly.

It seems like just yesterday we were leaving the hospital and taking them home for the first time. Messiah is so great with them and Lay loves being a big sister. She is now 6 and sassy as ever. We're the perfect family besides the fact that Messiah is out all night and he didn't show for their first birthday.

"Ma can we cut the cake," Alaya groaned eyeing the cake for everyone else

"Yes baby," I held her hand as we walked over to the table where all the other kids were, along with Ky and his five month old baby boy, Kyron Jamel Brown Jr.

"Where's Messiah?" He looked at me frowning. I gave him a look and proceeded to cut the cake for the kids. I saw Nathan and Jessiah walk through the door. Nathan ran over to us.

"Auntie Mac we got the twins a gift," he cheesed hugging me. He is so handsome

"Thank you sweetie," I kissed his forehead and took the gift. He ran over to play with Alaya

"Hey sis, where Messiah ugly ass?" He side hugged me.

"He looks just like you and I don't know and honestly don't care. Today is about my babies," I sighed going to greet my dad who was coming from the game room.

"Hey Babygirl," he kissed my head

"Hey daddy," I hugged him tight. He stared at me for a second.

"Messiah's not here," I toyed with my fingernails.

A little after the twins were born, my dad handed the business over to me, but since I'm raising 3 kids, Messiah is in charge for now. He's been out more often than not, and my dad was never out on my life like this.

"I'm sure he's working Mac," he rubbed my back

"I don't care, he missed their first birthday," I said angered

"I'll talk to him, ok. And you're right, that's no excuse," he patted my back and went in the kitchen where Yandice was.

I looked around at everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. Jessiah and Nathan played at the mini basketball goal with Alaya. Ky played Grand Theft Auto with Jr. In his lap who was laughing at all the sound effects, and the twins who helped one another climb the couch. Everyone is happy, except me.


I finished washing the twins and put them to bed after a long day filled with playing. I could see on their faces they enjoyed them selves. I went up the stairs to Alaya's room where she was watching Adventure Time,

"Baby it's time for you to go to bed," I stood in the doorway looking at my beautiful daughter

"Ok mom," she rolled her eyes and cut the TV off.

"Excuse me?" I looked at her funny

"Sorry mom," she hugged me pouting, "I just wanted dad to be here today, and he never came," she walked into her bathroom

"I know Lay, I'm gonna talk to him about that as soon as he gets here because that's unacceptable," I agreed

"Daddy always talks about how much he loves you when he tucks me in," she smiled turning on the water, "he said you are the finest girl he knows," I smiled

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