Chapter 1

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My story begins with the death of my mother. My stepfather mistreated us and My mother was badly sick with tuberculosis and it was up to me and my younger brother to take care of her. I often had to steal to feed her and Joe. She was a beautiful and sweet woman who had fallen blindly in love with a man who couldn't give a hang about her. We hateded our stepfather and when My beloved Mother died, I blamed my stepfather for it. After her death, everything began to go in a downward spiral. Stepfather took Joe and went to Arizona leaving me to fend for myself. I worked some and stole some until I made it to Lincoln county New Mexico. The journey there wasn't easy, I was almost compromised, I got in alot of fights and much more. When, I got New Mexico, I made the mistake of taking an apple that I planned to pay for from a Man by the name of Murphy. I was about to pay when the clerk ylled that I was trying to steal. I ran for it and was rescued by an elder English gentleman, A young with sandy blonde hair and, the most beautiful girl I'd ever did see. My heart began to thump against my chest.

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