Chapter Four - The Sixth Staff Member

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     "Uhh... Aurora... who's that person stocking the shelf? Why is she wearing such a fancy dress? Don't we have a uniform policy?" Julian whispered to an exhausted Aurora working the register next to him. The time was 10:26 AM. The mystery person stocking the shelf was a tall girl with golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She wore a red dress decked out in all sorts of beautiful frills and features. She looked the part of a princess that gleamed with royalty. 

     "Oh, don't mind her. That's just Emily. She's super rich and she's well aware of it. Her father is this British real estate dude and her mom is a professor at some university. She lives in this giant mansion out in the middle of nowhere, way outside of town. She's definitely got a bratty and rude side to her, but she's also very helpful to the shop and to everyone she likes. Honestly, she's probably the best person you could ask for advice." Aurora told Julian.

     "Sounds like an untamed lion..." Julian thought to himself. Aurora continued to talk to him.

     "Anyways, about that dress, Ari allows her to wear it because she's super into the style and has loads of privilege. That's just her father's power at work. Truth be told, I've never actually seen her wear 'normal' clothes. Our usual uniform policy here is the whole 'semi-formal' stuff, but she likes to go all out. I don't personally get it, but it's her choice. Please try to be nice to her, she'll eventually warm up to you. Okay?" Aurora replied.

     "Congratulations Aurora. You have just won the award for 'Most Normal Coworker' in this entire town." Julian stated. Aurora giggled at his sarcasm. "I'll be nice to her, don't worry. She just seems like an average teenager." he assured her.

     The shop continued to bustle on the scorching Saturday, and the French doors were constantly opening and closing. People were shuffling in, purchasing products and walking out on the regular. Julian checked his phone to learn that it was only 11:48 AM, almost 4 hours after his shift started.

     Julian's mind, aside from being preoccupied with serving customers, couldn't help but wonder how Emily really was. He didn't have a chance to meet or talk with her, as Emily arrived right as the shop was about to open while Julian and Aurora got coffee and breakfast at the grocery store next door. He hadn't spoken with Emily at all during the early part of the day, mostly because of his nervousness and uncertainty. The clock struck noon as Julian walked to the break room to take a breather. Emily and Aurora began to converse.

     "Ugh... Who let that guy in? He looks super boring. No clue what Ari saw in him." Emily asked Aurora.

     "His name is Julian. He's nice and he's your new coworker. Don't tear him to shreds, please? He doesn't bite, I promise." Aurora replied.

     "Sure... I guess. I'll talk to him when I can." Emily said as she rolled her eyes. Almost immediately, Iris walked into the shop, drawing the attention of Aurora and Emily.

     "Hey guys! I'm here on my day off! Time to fix my sweet tooth craving! Whatcha got on sale?" Iris spoke in a loud volume. Luckily, she was the only customer in the shop at the time.

     "The moon pies are half off because they're expiring in a couple days, and all of the bulk candy is cheaper per pound than it usually is. You can get a pound of the taffy for five bucks!" Aurora explained to Iris.

     "Ooh! That sounds super super good! What do you think I should get Emily?" Iris looked over to her and asked.

     "I don't know. Go with whatever. I don't really care." Emily told her. Aurora looked at Emily in a stern way, inaudibly telling her to be kind.

     "Harsh as always! You should be a bit nicer sometimes. Ain't you got parents who raised you to be nice?" Iris teased, a little miffed over Emily's attitude.

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