Act 1 the underworld

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RRT Command: 05 you copy i am here in the place you sent me what next.

05-XXIII: I want you to go into the portal with your squad.

RRT Commander: Copy that we are going in.

*The team enters the portal to see a shadowy figure above them then it just randomly disappears*

RRT Commander: what was that?

RRT Commander: 05 you copy


RRT Commander: 05 you copy

*Still nothing*

RRT unit 1:Sir we found something while you where trying to contact the 05

RRT commander: What did you find

RRT unit 1: we found this I think the 05 wanted us to bring in this thing.

*The unit brings the thing to show the commander*

RRT Commander: No they where supposed to be dead. How is it that one survived?

RRT unit 1: I thought so as well but here we are looking at one and its not a normal one.

RRT Commander: then its royal.

RRT Commander: ok lets head back.

want me to continue this let me know i n the comments.

total words 166 words.

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