Chapter 15: The End

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Well here we are! the end! WAAAH! I am so going to miss this story! I've enjoyed writing it and SO loved your comments and support! I hope you enjoy the ending and the little pic at the end (unless you are on fanfic net or Wattpad, which wont show it :( ) XD
Thank you for all the comments and kudos and everything, it has been truly appreciated! :D Until next time... ;)

Home was less than two days walk away and both Kakashi and Tenzō had mixed feelings about their return to Konoha. As their surroundings grew more familiar, Tenzō became increasingly subdued. He was excited to be going home and looked forward to seeing the village and how it had changed since he left. But he was also apprehensive as to how he would be received on his return. No one really knew why he had left. He did not want to have to explain himself to anyone. But there would be questions that he could not avoid and he did not welcome the attention such questions would undoubtedly bring.

Kakashi assured him that people were not stupid; they knew boundaries, especially with someone who was once in ANBU. People expected ANBU operatives to be secretive. It went some way to allay Tenzō's fears, but he was a slave to his emotions and it wasn't easy to push irrational thought from his mind.

Kakashi's fears were not for himself, but for Tenzō. He worried over a relapse of Tenzō's darker frames of mind. He worried that the man would never settle back in Konoha or that Tenzō might leave almost as soon as they arrived. But with their arrival back in Konoha imminent, such fears and worries were only natural.

They set up camp on what was to be the last night of their journey. Kakashi found a small cave which was dry and large enough for them both to spend the night. As Tenzō built a small fire, Kakashi unpacked their kit and set it out on the ground. By the time he returned to sit beside him, Tenzō sat gazing into the building flames. Unmoving and silent, lost in a daydream.

"What are you thinking?" Kakashi asked after several quiet moments passed.

Tenzō shrugged his shoulders, still looking into the flames. "Just that by this time tomorrow, we'll be home."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"No. I just..."


"Nothing. I'm just being stupid."

"You're never stupid. What's bothering you?"

Tenzō twisted his hand in his hair and huffed, his shoulders dropping. "It's just, I won't have you to myself any more."

Kakashi chuckled as he pulled his legs up folded his arms on his knees. "Well, I'm no longer Hokage and I plan to retire from active service when we get back. There will be plenty of time to spend together."

"You might want to reconsider that."

Kakashi was puzzled by his words. "Why would I?"

"Well, maybe you would need time away. You know...crazy guy here..." Tenzō said, holding up a hand and waving.

"You're not crazy. I'm the crazy one."

"How so?"

"I took too long to come find you."

Tenzō laughed and threw a small branch on the fire. "I'm glad you came for me."

"As am I."

"I've been meaning to ask you something." Tenzō said as he pulled the kunai from his thigh holster. The lethal blade glinted in the light of the fire and Kakashi stared at it worriedly.

"Umm, you already tried to kill me twice, Tenzō. They say third time's the charm..."

Tenzō looked mortified and dropped the kunai on the ground as if it was hot to the touch. "No! No...I...I wondered if you would mind cutting my hair!" He spluttered, a blush rising from his neck upwards.

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