Deep south glass

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"What the fuck did you tell him about me?" Clarke exclaimed, fists on her hips as she stared down Lexa while Finn walked away. Before Lexa responded however, Bellamy interjected himself into the conversation.

"It's not her fault," he explained. "We were thrown off by the fact that he called you Clarke Blake, so he asked who Clarke Griffin was. We just told him who you were."

"Yeah" she asked, fists still on her hips. "And who exactly was I?"

"Someone who cared about a cat not suffering. Someone who felt your friends' pain. Honest," Lexa spoke up. "And a loyal friend."

Clarke's arms dropped to her side as she watched her ex-wife turn and walk away, leaving her to her own thoughts.

Bellamy drove Clarke in her car back to her house where her mom was waiting. He let Clarke rant at him, briefly mentioning the fact that Clarke wouldn't have to worry about Lexa anymore, as she was moving. Clarke didn't register the words though.

Clarke had texted her to tell her what had happened and as soon as she opened the door, her arms were around Clarke. She hugged her and rubbed her back. She gave her the kind of comfort Clarke had needed many times over the years, but never received.

"Why does this keep happening?" she cried as Abby held her, leading her to the couch where they sat, Abby continuing to rub Clarke's back.

"Finn isn't Lexa," Abby tried to reassure her daughter.

Abby's words caused Clarke to pull away and look up at her mom. "No, Lexa never walked away from me. I walked away from her. And Finn walked away from me. If anything, it's karma."

"You just caught him off guard is all," Abby sighed. "He'll be back. He loves you."

"He loves Clarke Blake," Clarke rubbed at her eyes. "He loves the fashion designer who grew up with a rich plantation family. Not redneck Clarke Griffin."

"It doesn't matter where you come from Clarke," Abby explained. "It's about where you go. It's about what you do with your life. And look at you, look at all you've done. You've left this town. You've made something of yourself. That's all I ever wanted for you, to have the best you could have."

"All you ever did was push me away and put down my decisions until I finally left this place."

"That's because you deserved better Clarke! Sure, when you first started dating Lexa I was put off by the fact that she was a girl, but that's not why I didn't want you two together. I knew you could do better than her. You're better than this town and I didn't want you anchored down to this place when I knew you could fly away. I didn't want this life for you," Abby gestured around to their small home.

The pieces finally clicked into place in Clarke's mind. She finally understood why her mom had pushed her into pageants, had insisted that she stay away from Lexa, had cheered for her when she'd moved to New York.

"You didn't want me to turn out like you, that's it, isn't it?" the blonde asked. Abby nodded. "Momma, there's nothing wrong with your life. There's nothing wrong with this town. There's nothing wrong with being you."

Clarke wiped away the last of her tears just in time for the front door to open. Jake walked in first, followed closely by Finn, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"I found him walking down the highway, tryna find his way back here," Jake spoke, gesturing to Finn.

"I'm sorry," Finn spoke, hurrying over to Clarke, handing her the bouquet. "I overreacted. I showed up here unannounced. You have a past, I get that. I understand. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain."

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