Its the little things

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Two weeks passed, Jungkook was still enthralled with the girl, if all the boys went out for a boys night she managed to appear first time with some of her friends the second time she said she was lonely and would Kookie mind if she joined them.
In the two weeks Jimin just became quieter, eating less and only going out on those two occasions when he thought it was just the boys.
One morning Jimin got up earlier than the rest and made himself coffee as he was drinking it the front door opened and Jungkook came in," your out early!" Jimin said surprised.
"Well er no, I'm just coming in from Mei's,"
"Y-you slept with her?"
"Well yes and no, we were watching tv and I fell asleep on the couch! I haven't slept with her,"
"But you will," muttered Jimin.
"Maybe,I'm not rushing although she has hinted, I'm willing to wait a bit,"
"I bet she's hinted," Jimin said under his breath but Jungkook heard," what's the matter I thought you liked Mei,"
Now Jimin could do what he normally would and smile nod and agree, but this girl had him tense and worried so he blurted out the truth," No Kook I've never liked her she is fake."
"What! How can you say that?"
"Because it's obvious,"
"Why are you like this, Mei said to me she thought you were jealous of her, all the time we are spending together, but I told her your not like that, but was she right?"
Jimin held his ground," I personally don't give two shits for Mei's opinion, she shows you what she wants you to see."
"That's enough Jimin if you can't say anything nice then don't talk to me!" Jungkook stormed off to his room leaving the smaller boy alone and hurt.
Everyone noticed the tense atmosphere around the two boys, neither spoke to each other and Jimin would leave the room if Jungkook came in.
Jungkook had spoken to Mei on the phone telling her how upset Jimin had made him, she uttered sympathetic words while inwardly smiling with glee at the way she had manipulated the boys.
"Baby we can sort it, I'll come over with cake we can all have tea and chat, I'll get Jimin to help me serve it."
"Are you sure Mei, I don't want you getting hurt,"
"Of course I'm sure,I'll do anything to make you happy."
So as planned she came over , sweet talking her way passed the others bringing a massive cake.
"Please let me make you tea or coffee to go with it," she asked,Jin nodded about to get up and help before," oh no let Jimin help, I'd like to know Kookies friend better,"
Jimin got up quietly going to the kitchen and getting crockery out.Putting the kettle on to boil he waited quietly.
"You know he'll never be yours right?" She said quietly with spite.
"I know you are using him," he replied.
"And if he's willing to be used?"
"He wouldn't be if you showed your true face to him,"
" never mind Jimin you had a good run, now I get him, he"ll always believe me not you."
"Your just a desperate bitch,"
Mei fumed wanting to hurt the boy then smiling to herself she poured the hot water into a pot the checking to see if anyone was looking threw some against Jimins shirt as she yelled "oh no Kookie help,"
Jimin pulled the shirt away from his body pain from the hot water making him gasp , the others ran over RM pulling off jimins top and putting a cold wet towel against the heated red mark.
" you bitch," Jimin yelled in pain.
Mei now had her audience ," oh Kookie why's he like this?" She said brushing away fake tears.
"You did it deliberately,"
"Kookie, I didn't, I could never, look I was filling the pot and he said give it to me and pulled it tipping it over himself,"
"You liar!"
"Jimin come on, why say this, she was helping just because you've taken a dislike to Mei you can't lie like this!Im surprised at your vindictiveness!, Come on Mei I'll get you a taxi home and you," he said pointing at Jimin, " we are going to have this out!"
Jungkook took her out, Jimin just staring after him, he hadn't believed him, he'd known him for years yet believed her over him.
Tears ran down his face, he brushed past the others going to his room. Finding some cream to put on the wound he applied it and put a top on, grabbing a coat and his wallet he waited hearing the front door slam he knew the other was back, he could hear them all talking in the sitting room so he quietly sneaked along the hallway and out of the front door without anyone noticing, he had to get away, it was all becoming a bit too much.
Jungkook was fuming when he came back storming into the sitting room," where is he? Hiding away? Well that's not happening ," he went to leave but was stopped by RM.
"Jungkook calm down, have you got your facts straight?"
"Huh, of course I have you all heard what Mei said, why Jimin was like that to her I don't know but you saw how upset she was!"
"Yer right," said Suga.
"What ?"
"Are you really that stupid?"
"Oh what Jimins turned you against her too Suga, really? Well let's ask the others then shall we, hands up who thinks Jimins lying," he said waiting for the others to put a show of hands, none were forthcoming, "what do you think Mei was mistaken and it really was an accident?" Jungkook said confused.
"Hands up all those who think Mei is a lying bitch who has been using Jungkook for his money and deliberately caused problems between Jimin and Jungkook?" Tae said. Everyone else's hands shot up.
Jungkook stared at them hurt in his eyes, why would you say that?
"Oh Jimin you look chubby lay if the cake"
"Jimin you shouldn't encourage Jikook it's not fair"
"Oh Kookie I couldn't possibly go to that really expensive restaurant unless you buy me something to wear,"
"Oh Jungkook,BTS? Who is that?"
"But,she...she wouldn't ....."
"One easy way of doing this, let's go to the study and watch the cameras from earlier, she didn't know it's constantly recording."
They went to the study, RM keyed the cameras in and played it , soon everyone heard and saw her spiteful act, Jimin hadn't lied.
Jungkook stood there, he thought of what he had said to Jimin, he remembered how Mei was dead against him getting Jimin anything, in fact when he used to talk about BTS she always deflected the conversation away from Jimin. How stupid was he? So enamoured with the interest she had shown him he'd ignored all the warning signs, maybe the reason he hadn't slept with her although she had tried because part of him knew something was wrong, he turned to the others," I'm sorry guys I really am, I'll go apologise to Jimin."
"Tell him to put some cream in that must really hurt,"
Jungkook nodded making his way to Jimins room but the door was open and nobody there, he walked out calling Jimins name the others came to the door ," what is it?"
"Jimins not here,"
"What, ring him,"
Jungkook rang the number only for all of them to hear a ringing by Jimins bed." Shit! " Tae said,
"Jimin I hope you don't do anything stupid," he whispered.
"God, you think he's been pushed too far?" RM said worriedly.
"Well he must have lost all hope now!" Hobi muttered anxiously.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT!!, All hope of what?" Jungkook shouted
Glancing at each other they nodded and Jin said,
"Kookie he's had a crush on you for years always hoped you'd feel the same one day, all the little things he did for you made him happy because it was you. He was devastated when you brought Mei here lost all hope, he's not been eating or sleeping properly and her snide remarks knocked his confidence, I'm worried, where's he gone?"
Jungkook stood in shock Jimin liked him? Liked him like a boyfriend? He thought of all the things Jimin  did for him, how he always relied on Jimin, how he loved his giggles how he hugged him all the time his smile his beautiful caring nature," I'm going round all the places we hang out, call me if he comes back, if I haven't found him in a couple of hours we will get management into it but not before ok?"
They all nodded, "I'll go around here with Tae the rest of you stay here,"
They left to go to their different locations Jungkook taking his car,all the while worried for the small boy who'd crept into his heart.

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