Just kidding, please do!

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"Hey, Dream, we need to talk," Tommy heard Wilbur say from the other room.

"Look who finally decided to grow a pair."

"Listen, I know you're still in this area, so-"

"Actually, I was packing up to leave tomorrow."

"Everyone's plane tickets aren't set to fly back for another week! I bought them!"

"I'll pay you back then."

"Dream, stay for a while longer. Stay for Tommy?" Wilbur was trying to grasp at anything he could to get the blond male to stay for just long enough so they could talk.

Dream sighed. "I know you're at Tommy's place. The fan is the same. Get back to your own house and we'll set up a time and date."

"Sounds-" The call ended. "Sounds fucking horrible." He huffed as he walked out of the room. "What happened?" Tommy asked as he followed Wilbur through the house.

The tall man finally settled on the same couch he had sat on so many times before. "I fucking hate him. He's so annoying. Why does he feel the need to do this?"

"The neighbors are gonna hear you, Wil..." Tommy tried hiding behind the kitchen counter despite the fact he was sitting on a bar stool. He wouldn't lie; he was scared.

He was scared of the way Wilbur sat up and took his beanie off. How he paced around the living room, cursing and mumbling under his breath. The way his strides grew shakier yet somehow got more stable and confident as he continued. When his fists clenched up and crushed the beanie he was still holding. Just the way his hands ran through his hair was scary. It was frantic, as if he was going to comb the problem out of his mind. Every passing moment left the tension to rise. But would it snap if he spoke up?

"Tommy, here's the story," He sat him down on the couch.

It had been about twenty minutes before Tommy nailed it all down.

"I was down at the party, scared for Tubbo and my future in streaming. Wilbur noticed and took me upstairs."

"Great, great! Doing great." Wilbur said.

Upstairs. He took me upstairs. Then he...

What did he do?

"We sat on the bed together. I cried and vented to him. He hugged me and stroked my hair kindly. He really wanted to calm me down, Dream, he really did." He pretended like it was him really talking to Dream. This tone, the story, fears of streaming -- he faked it. The only thing he didn't have to fake were the tears that streamed down his face.

"I really am scared for the future. Sometimes I'll sit up till the early hours of the morning thinking until I realize I never slept."

"What did he do to you upstairs?" Wilbur pretended to throw a random question.

"Well we just sat on the bed. He stroked my hair and hugged me when I hugged him. I don't know what you think happened up there, but you're wrong."

"Why did you come down looking so messy?"

"I didn't realize how messy I was, I was so caught up in my emotions and having someone there for me-"

"Don't go off script."

"But it's the truth." He looked up at the man.

Wilbur screamed into one of the throw pillows on the couch. "God fucking dammit Tommy, you really do know how to hit my buttons huh?"

I Threw Glass At My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm On ProbationWhere stories live. Discover now