one, are we there yet?

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My eyes quickly skimmed through the messy but familiar handwriting, my heart warms at the several "we'll miss you" remarks scattered on the letter.

The last sentence reads, "See you in a year, sleeping beauty!" and then there's nothing left.

I tried to look for any hidden doodles or scribbles but it looks like April was too busy for that. I'll text her when I get off this plane, it's making me very claustrophobic.

The mere thought of this airplane dropping down onto the ground makes me feel sick to my stomach, I could quite actually vomit right now.

Just a few hours ago I tried to go to the restroom, but it was smaller than my ex boyfriend's penis.

And that's saying something.

Don't even get me started on the lady sitting next to me, who snores like my father. I usually don't try to make fun of people, but this was an absolute exception.

I just wanted to yell at her to shut up, but that would wake everyone up.

And it would be terribly embarrassing.

I sigh and shove the letter in the pocket of my hoodie, then leaning my head back and taking deep breaths in, trying to take my mind off the loud snores coming from right next to me.

I thought of the numerous people I would be leaving behind, the girls and boys I knew since kindergarten. I'll never see them again, well I don't actually know that but still.

I'd be back by the summer, so all I have to do is study and avoid talking to people. The entire reason I'm on a plane to Paris is to take care of my grandmother, who isn't the healthiest right now...

But I could help! That was the least I could do...and I'm sure my years of working as cashier would pay off. I know how to deal with delusional old ladies, I've got this.

My grandmother is a teacher at Marymount High, a very proper school. Every corner you turn, a rich kid will appear. That's my own personal hell. Oh and those stupid dorms, they decorate them so good it makes me mad. If my grandma gets sick enough, maybe she'll finally retire.

They should take their website down, it will make a lot of people second guess attending there.

Just as my thoughts dismissed, the woman next to my popped her head up. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had drool spilling out from the corner of her mouth.


The flight attendant strolled past us, a cart of snacks were placed neatly on the rack.

"Oh, can I please have some water?" The lady politely asked her, softly smiling.

Now I feel bad, she seems so nice.

The flight attendant leaned down and grabbed a bottle of water, then continued to walk down the aisle.

I should've asked for a snack, my stomach feels like it's about to erupt. I'm already holding all my anger and bladder in, I need some food. I would eat literal dog treats right now.

The flight attendant walks back up the pathway, my mouth urged to ask her for something.

"Um, miss! Can I have a granola bar?" I quickly ask, waiting for a response.

She looks at me, her eyes were throwing knives into my soul. She looked as if she hated her job.

She slowly reaches over the cart and hands me a chocolate cliff bar.

As I opened the wrapper, I realized just how mean everyone on this plane is. It's weird, everyone has a reason they're going to Paris right now.

Mine was pretty boring, how stupid would I sound if I said "Oh, I'm headed to a beautiful city to stop my Parisian grandma from dying!"

I would like to think the lady next to me was off to Paris to open her own bakery, or maybe be a mysterious librarian.

She fits the part. Unruly black hair, tiny wrinkles, and round glasses. Even though she looks a little homeless, she still has this lingering aura. It feels comforting, other than her snoring problem.

A childish voice catches my ear, the voice squeaks, "are we there yet?"

I turn back to see a boy who seems to be around the age of 7, his mother shushes him away while she reads a book.

The boy looks up at me, a big smile spreads on his face.

"Hi!" He yells loudly, everyone turns to his direction. I smile back and quickly look away, feeling a bit shy.

The lady next to me glares at me, I try not to notice her staring but it becomes difficult when she leans closer towards me.

"You are one pretty girl, what's your name?" She speaks, my eyes go wide.

"Oh, thank you! You are so pretty too, and my name is-" I stumble across my words, a feeling of embarrassment washes over me.

Did I forget my name?

"My name is...Aurora." It seems as if I was lying, just because it took me so long to remember my name.

"Aurora? Beautiful name! Oh, and I just wanted to say your eyes are so gorgeous!" She leans closer to my face, examining my eyes.

"Thank you...!" I move a little further.

That isn't the first thing people would compliment about me, my eyes are a shade of dark green. No, I would say they're hazel actually. Green sounds boring.

I guess the first thing people would notice is my hair? I don't know, everyone says they love it. I mean, I don't hate it. It's just very curly.

The lady grins widely once more, then goes back onto her phone.

That was a very weird interaction.

I lay my head back, God I wish I had a pillow right now. I try to get comfortable but miserably fail.

I am sleepy, very sleepy. Can this seat please transform into a bed right now? My eyelids get heavier and heavier, until they completely fall down.

As my mind clears and my stress dies down, I almost believe everything will okay.

One year, I will be fine. Aurora will be okay, Aurora has everything under control.

Senior year will be just fine.


author's note: thank you for reading, I love you all so much!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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