foot chase

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Casey-World works in mysterious ways, don't it, Shredder? Now you get to spend the rest of your life behind bars with these two knuckleheads.

Shredder-Or not.

*foot clan ninjas comes over on bikes*

Hey. Check those bikes? Coming up on our right and our left!

*the foot places explosives on the other police cars*

Casey-Pin it! Pin it! Come on, man, go, go, go! Oh, my God.

*the police cars explodes*

Casey-Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

officer-Get us some help!

Casey-10-13. 10-13. We are being ambushed, heading north on 87. We need immediate backup!

*soldiers pulled up to the truck holding shredder*

officer-Make sure that gate is bolted!

*Casey did so*

Casey-Shotgun! Where are the shells?

officer-They're in the bag!

Casey-What the heck are they doing in the bag?

*the foot ninjas melds the roof off*

Bebop-Oh! The roof is on fire!

Casey-ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You send us on a highway with the most dangerous criminal on the planet, AND YOU DON'T LOAD THE SHOTGUN!

*the turtles arrive in the new tataruga truck with the dragon's outside the truck flying above the team as Donnie beeps the horn*

Donnie-We got bogies on the bus.

Leo-Let's light 'em up

Donnie-Okay. Hit the button.

Leo-What button? What button? There are a million buttons.

Donnie-Number three. Number three.

Leo-Three, three, three!

*the manhole covers knocks some of the soldiers off*

Donnie, Raph and Mikey-Oh!

Leo-We got company. Mikey, clear our right flank.

Mikey-Nunchuks giganticus Whoa!

*Giant nunchucks comes out twirling*

Mikey-Say hello to my little friend.

Donnie-Good job, Mikey, Those things are pretty awesome, huh?

*the bridge knocks off the nunchucks*

Mikey-Yeah, pretty awesome! Eh...

Baxter stockman-Get them out of there! Eliminate those turtles! and those dragons!

*the foot places an explosive on the boys' truck blowing it up*


Mikey-I don't like those guys.

Raph-I'm not being used to my full potential here, Leo

Leo-Hey, just chill, Raph We're a little busy

Donnie-Uh, guys, they're coming back.

Raph-Enough! It's time to take out the trash c'mon drago!

Drago-way ahead of ya!

*raph rolls out the truck landing on a foot soldiers bike*

Raph-That's how I roll

*Drago headbutts the foot soldier on the head knocking him off the bike*

Raph-That's how you roll Whoo!

*raph enters his and his brother's truck with dragon still outside*

Raph-Anything else we can do for you?


Baxter-Raider 3, move in. Move in. Get him to the extraction point.


Casey-We are two miles from Exit 14. Set up an intercept

*a giant magnet is lowered from the copter*

Leo-What is that thing?

Donnie-It's a big-dang magnet

*the magnet lifts up the truck before dropping it*

Bebop-Whoa! Now we're talking!

*a cable was lowered to grab shredder*

officer-Get back there! Secure the prisoners!

*bebop and rocksteady tried to stop Casey from keeping shredder from leaving as Casey held a taser*


*Casey was kicked down as the young officer saw the villain leave*


Donnie-He's getting away!

Leo-No, he's not!

*Leo slams his hand on a katana button as a sword was thrown cutting the cable shredder was on*

Leo-Yeah! saw that Saphira?

Saphira-sure did nice job Leo

Baxter-If Sensei Shredder can't make it to the extraction point, then we bring the extraction point to him.

Bebop-Come on, come on, come on!

Rocksteady-Don't rush me! Don't rush me!

*they used the cuff key's to remove their handcuffs. Bebop sees Casey awake looking at him*

Bebop-Yeah! Hey. My name is Be-bop!

*Bebop kicks Casey in the face as rocksteady went to the front*


*the driver was punched out of the truck*

Donnie-Okay. It's all you, Mikey and eragon!

Mikey-Time to shine

*Donnie pulls a lever as Mikey repeatedly hits their head on the roof*

Mikey-Ow! Ow!

Donnie-I'm sorry! It's stuck

Mikey-Oh, this sucks

*Donnie pulled the lever opening the top of the truck*

Donnie-Oh, there it is

Mikey-Whoo-hoo! Yeah! This is awesome! Eragon look at me!

Eragon-noice man!

Baxter-We have to teleport Shredder earlier.

Karai-But you said...

Baxter-Yes, that that would be irresponsibly dangerous. True.

Leo-All right, Donnie, you've got to get Mikey and Eragon closer.

Baxter-Locking on.

Leo-One shot is all you got.


Leo-Take the shot, Mikey!

*shredder disappears through a blue portal*

Leo-Where'd he go?

*Saphira lightly lands on the truck*

tmnt 2016 Leo's dragon sequel out of the shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now