Night Changes. :(

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One Direction.

This is a special one, for anyone who's a directioner and reading, if you're not you don't have to read this.

Zayn Malik has left One Direction and... I feel like something's missing. Like my heart's partly empty.

This has left literally the world in complete and utter shock. I've read about 168 suicides about this?! And this is complete chaos, to be honest, literally everyone's doing nothing but racing about this.

Here's my opinion:

Zayn is a person. I know to many he's more than just a person, but truthfully, he is a person and he reaches a limit. He doesn't like the attention, he was overwhelmed with it, but what this says about him is that, he's still the little boy from Bradford, that all of what he's received hasn't changed him as a person, and I'm so proud of him for that. What I don't find okay is that he left.
I know he felt stressed and all that, but he could've taken a break, all of them could've taken a break from the tour, because it is not gonna be the same without him. At. All. But... At least the tour. :(

Also, he's not dead, he's still alive, because if he wasn't the world would descend into anarchy.
Let's also not forget the other boys exist, and this is probably harder on all of them too.

And to be honest, we knew that they'd stop being a band eventually, I just prayed it'd be proper, all of them at the same time.

I just pray that he's alright and he gets better, and that nothing going on in the media gets to his head, that is the last thing he needs.

So, bottom line, I hope nobody else is even thinking about committing suicide because, I know he means a lot to some people, but he's not dead. He's still alive and his name on Twitter is still @zaynmalik1D.

Oh boys, how to continue this tour without Zayn's high notes. D':

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