~Hello again~

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Hii, so I'm finally giving my shitty writing a name, I'm calling it Days Go By, its a song (surprise, surprise) and I was wondering if my fan base is cool with it?

Me: "Are you guys cool with my title?!"
Fan Base (actually 1 person): "No. It sucks."
Me: "Okay, thank you! Thanks for all the love and support, mom!"

Okay, putting that retarded shit aside, I'm gonna update by putting the signs as kisses I found on Instagram, bc I love these so much.

Also, I think song for this one would be Up In The Air by 30 Seconds to Mars bc Jared Leto is such baee.

Aries: Lip bites
Taurus: Smiling-against-your-lips kisses
Gemini: Eskimo kisses
Cancer: Lingering kisses
Leo: Slam-against-your-face kisses
Virgo: Shy pecks
Libra: Flirty air kisses
Scorpio: Hickeys/ Neck kisses
Sagittarius: Laughing kisses
Capricorn: French kisses
Aquarius: quick kisses
Pisces: Soft and Quiet kisses

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