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Hallow's pov

I was sitting down with my brother and friend's when I saw Ginny coming out of a shop Ew she looked so ugly she had a nited jumper whith a G on and ugly leggings it all made her red hair look gross and her face was covered in Spot's well Maby that was dramatic she had one one her nose and one on her forehead.

"Jack pot" I whispered to Jenny who was sitting next to me

"Come one let's go have some fun"she replied we both giggled

"Hey Draco we r going to look at the new shoes be back in a sec " I told him innocently

"K sis be back in 30mims at least " Draco told me

We headed off to find were Ginny had gone I couldn't wait to show her my new coat that costed as much as her house pfft what am I saying her house is worthless.

I saw her she was looking at the new channel bag like she could afford it .
Just like Jenny was in my head she said
"Like she can afford that" and pointing her finger at r victim ."hey do u ahve your dad's card on u "

"Um du when do I not"I replied rolling my eyes and smiling "why"

"Cause I think I whant taht channel bag " and she did an empresson off Ginny's face when we brought it.

"Oh well I think we can do something about taht " and we both laughed

It was a pretty bag it was a light brown whith a gold c and chain

It was a pretty bag it was a light brown whith a gold c and chain

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We strolled up to the glass window behind Ginny.

I reached out and grabbed s first full off hair and yanked it cause her to scream out in pain.
H "u relly whant taht bag Huh "
J "poor thing it wouldn't even go with her ugly clouths she calls an outfit"
H " nothing goes whith that mess she is wearing" we both cakled
Ginny's head lowed
G "yes I do want that bag and my clothes look fine"

H "what a same I'm about to buy it plus it will look with my outfit"

It was True taht bag would look boom whit my fit

It was True taht bag would look boom whit my fit

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I walked in teh shop and purchased the bag

"We'll miss this is the only one we have in store it will be 260 gallons" said the store owner

"Ooo~ thank u sire" I handed him my card
We both left making sure to bump into Ginny ,who had followed us in , as we left

"Taht was brilliant"Jenny told me laughing her head of

"Ik her face was like 🥺 when I told her how ugly she looked " I giggled

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