Chapter 4: The Two Camps

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Eren: Mikasa, I love you

Mikasa: *blushes hard and about to pass out*

Getting a dare from Y/n, Eren was forced to tell Mikasa how he is feeling about her, both Y/n and Armin, in a distance in a bush beside the messhall, didn't expect that to happen, it was as if it was an illegal knowledge to have. It was both an eye opening and funny moment. 

Y/n: Wasn't expecting that

Armin: I knew that Eren loves her but not romantically.

Y/n: Yeah...

Shadis: Cadets! What are you doing here?

Armin: *jumped and salutes*

Y/n: *nonchalantly turns around* sir *salutes* Cadet L/n, sir, Cadet Arlert and I were just birdwatching.

Shadis: Birdwatching? Tell what is tha-

Y/n: The hummingbird, one of the smallest birds in the walls, *stands and looks at the bird and smiles* one of its well-known trait is that it can fly backwards.

Shadis: You're talking too much, cadet! *walks away*

Armin: How do you so much about birds?

Y/n: I don't, that's all I know about birds.

Armin: 0_0.....

Y/n: Come on, let's go to the lovebirds. 

Y/n and Armin walks towards Mikasa and Eren to see them blushing harder than ever, Armin was about to laugh, but Y/n only smiled and winks at Mikasa. She smiled at Y/n and mouthed out "thank you". Y/n was surprisingly, liked by everyone, Including the two 104th rivals. After a small talk on what the fuck was going on, they went to eat in the messhall and Y/n sitting next to Krista. 

Krista: Y/n?

Y/n: Hm?

Krista: I love you

Y/n: *blushes a little* I love you too.

Connie: *lost a bet to Shadow* NO!

Shadow: HA! He blushed! I told you baldie!

Connie: I'm not bald!

Y/n: Oh my walls, Shut up!!!

Connie: *Sits down, scared*

Shadow: Make me

Everyone: 0_0....

Y/n: *Stands up*

Shadow: Oh Shit, *trip on the bench and falls off*

Y/n then sat back down and Shadis walks in, peeking through the door and he was looking angry, this shuts everyone again.

Shadis: What's all the noise about?

Mikasa: *raise her hand* Sasha farted sir.

Sasha: *betrayed*

Everyone was snickering, including Y/n, Shadis proceeded to look at Y/n, nodding at Shadis, he closed his nose and walked off after saying

Shadis: You again, learn some manners next time.

Sasha: *very betrayed*

Before Shadis actually left, he called for Y/n, walking out of the messhall, Shadis brought Y/n to the middle of the parade square. As they stand there, Shadis start off the conversation.

Shadis: No need for formality Y/n, at ease.

Y/n: *stands normally* Yes sir.

Shadis: There is going to be a competition, between the one of the Wall Sina camp and us, we need a Cadet leader to be in charge of the 104th.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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