Chapter one:reaching out

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It has been a few weeks since the accident. The funeral was yesterday(idk how much time is between the death and the funeral). I miss her so much. Without her here to help me stay sober I started drinking again. But before it gets worse I decided I should get some help from my old friend Gerard. He said he'd come to h/t(h/t means home town) to help.

---time skip---

Gerard's plane is landing soon. So I figured I'd meet him at the airport. While I was driving I realized how long it had been since we last saw eachother. We've both changed alot since we last saw each other. Which was my wedding almost six years ago. Since then I've grown out  my h/c(h/c means hair color) hair out and changed your style. Over the years I've gotten more emo. I heard Gerard grew his hair out,got paler, and somehow more emo, like me.

---time skip---

I finally made it to the airport a little bit before Gerard's plane was set to land. So I went over and hung out by the gate while I waited. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because I'm finally going to see my best friend after so long. But also nervous because I'm afraid that we might have grown apart.
About five minutes later Gerard's plane landed. About a minute later he came out. I barely recognized him, but I could tell it was him. He's changed alot, in a good way. After a second of looking he found me and gave me a hug."I've miss you so much" he said. "I've missed you too. How have you been?" I ask.
"I've been good." He replies "
I'm sorry for you loss, I know how you feel. I know how close you two where even before you guys even dated.".
After a little longer of hugging we decided to head back to my house. Which is about a hour an a half from the airport.

--time skip--

After about a hour an a half of singing in the car later we finally made it back to my house. It was now about six-o-clock, so we got Gerard's stuff into the guestroom, order some pizza and watched 'favorite movies' among other things. Other things as in almost all of One Tree Hill.(If you haven't seen that show its about basketball I suggest you watch it.) It was about twelve-o-clock. So we decided to go to bed.

Chapter one done how you guys like it. I'm sorry if you don't I'm open to suggestions. No hate please keep it to yourself. Also I will sometimes be putting what abbreviations mean if I can remember.


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