Chapter two:the morning after

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Gerard's POV:

I woke-up the next morning to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I couldn't tell if I was still asleep or not. But I still decided to go downstairs and see. So I put on some pajama pants and went left the room to go downstairs.
When I got downstairs I saw Y/N cooking bacon at the stove.
"Morning" I mumble just loud enough for her to hear.
"Good morning. Coffee?" She beams
"Yes please" I say in reply
"How do you like your coffee?"she asks while grabbing a white mug that says 'cheer' inggaved in on it. "Black with sugar please" I reply
A few minutes later the coffee is done and breakfast is done too. So now we're sitting at the kitchen island eating. "So how'd you sleep?" I ask "Good"she says"and you?"Y/N asks. "Pretty good, D/N(dogs name) woke me up barking at like 2:30 this morning. But other than that it was good" I say in reply. We continue chatting while we eat breakfast.

--time skip--

After breakfast I head back up stairs to get ready. I put on some black skinny jeans, a black David Bowie t-shirt and a old black leather jacket. After that I went to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup then went down stairs. When I got downstairs Y/N was sitting at the island on her phone. All ready dressed and ready for the day.

--time skip--

We spend the day mostly cleaning up and taking things in and out of storage. It was now around 1-o-clock so we when home and got D/N and went to a dog-friendly café called 'hope café'(idk if that place is actually dog friendly but they have good food.).

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