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        ~~~John's POV~~~

        I've never seen Sherlock quite like this. He's in quite a frenzy, but not in a way you'd expect. He'll be playing violin one moment and then setting it down and going into his mind palace for about two minutes, then pacing, and repeat. I didn't think he'd be worried that much about the children. I'm incredibly worried! Hamish and Lily are my children and I love them, but it's just not really Sherlock's area to care. I guess, until Lily showed up, which is good. For now, we have to figure out where they are.

        Sherlock's leg is in a cast and he can't stay on it for long, which is why I'm forcing him to play violin sitting down. He doesn't like it, but it doesn't change his leg's condition. I'm just sitting in my chair and trying to get some clues as to where Jim could have taken them. We are still doing this as Greg walks through the door. "Sherlock, John, a tape was sent to us. Figured you'd want to see it." I leap up and Sherlock gets up and grabs his crutches. 

        When we get to Scotland Yard, I expect Sherlock to be greeted by the "Hello, freak," by Sally Donovan, but she remains silent and gives me a sad look. She knows about our children being kidnapped and she knows the boundaries. Greg leads us to his office and puts on some gloves, to prevent finger prints. He pushes the tape into the player and presses play. Jim's face pops on the screen. "Hello, boys! So, by now you will obviously know that I have your children and a bystander's child as well! I've been bored, so I thought I would play a game with Sherlock and Johnny! Perhaps you guys would like to play?" Jim flashed a smile at the camera. "The aim is simple. Find where your children are before their bombs go off! I'm holding them in cells, like so." Jim takes the camera and it cuts to Hamish's face peering through a little window in an iron door. He sees Jim and his eyes narrow. His head drops out of sight and his hand suddenly comes up, holding up the middle finger. I snort, "Jesus Christ, that's my son."
   It cuts to poor Finny's face peering through the cell door, looking desperate. Her eyes are puffy and red, showing she's been crying and her hair is tangled. I feel a tug in my heart. Finny shouldn't have to go through this. Lord knows where her parents are, probably dead. We will find them.
   Next it cuts to Lily who is also peering through a window and tapping on it leisurely. She continues and I notice Sherlock gazing intensely at the screen. The tape cuts again to Jim again. "You have one week. Good luck!" The tape ends there and Greg sighs. I feel a pit in my stomach. There was no hint or anything to where they could be. I might never see Hamish or Lily again. I feel a pat on my shoulder and I look up to Sherlock's face smiling. "You're out of practice, John! I know exactly where they are!" I feel a rush of hope. "H-how?" I ask quickly. Sherlock smirks and replies, "Lily wasn't tapping on the glass leisurely. It was Morse code." My heart skips a beat and Greg smiles. Sherlock continues. "They're in 'Manchester in a rundown building' she says. Let's go." And with that Sherlock pivots away and walks outside. I laugh and thank Greg who says he'll send in reinforcements with us. I thank him and dash outside with Sherlock.
~~~Two days later~~~
~~~Lily's POV~~~
   This is so boring. Sitting in a stupid dirty cell doing nothing is so....ugh I can't even think straight. I feel like banging my head against the wall! I did send a message through the video. Hopefully it got through. I thought all those days in the library would come in handy. Learning morse code is always useful. At least we are fed and given water. The only bad thing is that there's a bomb that is going blow up next to me. I start to day dream about returning home. I've got some homework I need to do. I've also found some channels on the video site "YouTube" I like. I've never been around any sort of technology when I was living with my mother. Hamish and I really like watching two other British youtubers, AmzingPhil and danisnotonfire. Maybe I will see them around London. I hear my cell door unlock. I look up from my knees to see a boy about my age entering. He has dark brown hair, large brown eyes, and is dressed in a blue sweater and jeans. He comes in awkwardly and stands across the cell from me.
   Clearly, he is Jim's son, I'm not blind. His mother is a mystery to me but I can tell he has something on his mind. "Well?" He looks up.
"What is it you want to say?"
"Look," I snap, impatient. "I understand that you aren't exactly allowed to talk to prisoners such as myself. Why are you here? Speak, please." That was mean. I'm surprised at myself.  He looks at his feet, which are decked in some red converse. "I came to try to help you escape." My mouth drops in shock. Jim's own son, betraying him. This must be a trick. He laughs a little. "I bet you think I'm playing you, but I don't agree with what is happening here. My father is actually Jim." I knew that but he has me intrigued. "I just don't want to follow my father's path. My mom isn't even here, she's dead, not like he cares." Yeah, I know what it's like to have a parent who doesn't care. "And I want....I want to spite him. This is wrong, no matter what Sherlock and John have done." He hold up a set of keys. "I'm letting you go." He gets up and leaves the door open. "Run quickly and don't look back." That door leads out the back of the building. I'll buy some time and report you guys are in your cells." And with that he's gone.
   I get up quickly and peek in the hallway. Hamish and Finny are waiting and I run to them. "Let's go," Hamish says and he begins to run down the hall to a door, Finny and I following. Hamish reaches for the doorknob. That's when all hell breaks loose.
   Police sirens are screaming outside and there are red and blue lights streaming in through a window in the hall. Jim's son dashes in to the hallway again. "Okay, change of plans! Follow me!" He dashes away and we look at each other and begin to follow him. He throws open the door and leads us out to the back of the building away from the police. He stops and looks around the corner  of the building, and signals us to run towards them. He puts his hand out to stop me and turns around. "Since I'll probably be dead in a bit, might as well!" He plants a full on kiss on my lips and says, "Run away from this building. It's going to blow up very soon!" and with that he runs away into a patch of woods where other people seem to be heading. I'm left paralyzed for a moment, by the sudden move, then make my way towards the police.
   "Lily!" I hear someone yell and I run straight past the police. BOOM I hear and screams of shock as I dash across the street, into the arms of my father, Sherlock. He grips me tight and I bury my face into his chest. I try to ignore the people shouting and John sobbing with relief. When we finally let go, I turn to look at the burning building that I was just contained in five minutes ago. It is a one story building, but half of it has been blown off. Bricks are scattered across the street but luckily the police had parked their cars away from the building so no one was really hurt. I take a shaky breath and walk over to Hamish and Finny who are currently hugging so hard with Finny sniffing. I feel a jolt in my stomach when I realize that her parents probably died in the explosion. I haven't seen them yet at least.
    Suddenly all attention is turned towards Hamish, Finny, and I. The ambulance arrives and we are ushered towards the doctors. A blanket is draped around my shoulders and I carefully brush it off. I'm not cold. A nurse picks the blanket off the ground and drapes it around my shoulders again. I get confused and Lestrade walks over. "Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me."
"It's for shock."

"I'm not in shock. I'm just thinking." Lestrade raises his eyebrows. "About what?"

"There was a boy. He...helped us escape. I never got his name, though." Lestrade sat down next to me. "Another thing. He's Jim's son." Lestrade purses his lips and tries to process this. "He ran away with his father. His reasons to help us was he wanted to do the right thing. There's one that confuses me, perhaps it's because I don't understand anything in the romance area." Lestrade motions me to go on. "Before he ran, he said 'since I'll probably be dead in a bit, might as well' and then he kissed me on the lips, warned me to run, and ran to the woods with Jim." To my surprise Lestrade laughs and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, Lily, he thought you were pretty and he assumed he'd never see you again, so he thought it'd be okay to kiss you, just once." 

"HE DID WHAT?" John marches towards Lestrade. "Who was kissing my daughter?" He looks livid and I try not to laugh. "Dad, it's fine! A boy rescued me and-" I tell him the story and at the end John sniffs. "Okay, as long as he isn't making any HUGE moves on you. I just checked on Hamish, he's okay. And Finny...I think she is in desperate need of a blanket." Without hesitation, I shed the blanket off and run to Finny. She looks like she is in desperate need of a her parents. She's silently crying.

I drape the blanket around her shoulders and she curls up in it. I realize I don't have much experience comforting people. I sit next to her and awkwardly drape my arm around her. She wipes the tears from her face and burys her face in my shoulder. I pat her shoulder and say, "Hey, it can only get better from here, eh?" She sniffs and looks up at me and nods. "There we go. Here...I'll tell you something to cheer you up." That's what people do right? Oh, god, I don't know. "Uh well....imagine...that....uh Hamish is...." Christ what would be funny to Finny? "Hamish is maybe...uh holding a kitten and cuddling it..." Oh my god, I'm so awkward, even in a crime scene where this girl's parents probably died and she was contained in a building that has just blown up. To my surprise, she laughs. "Thanks, Lily. Now go, talk to your dads. I'll be fine." I nod and get up, glad to walk away.

~~~Author's Note~~~

       So, yeah, long chapter. I kind of wanted to get Lily back to school to meet a friend! I've been planning this character for a while with my friend and I'm excited to finally introduce her. Also, my finals are coming up in school, so I might not update in a while. They'll be over soon and I'll be back by May at most! Yeah, so I'm kinda thinking how Lily doesn't have a lot of emotion generally. So why not give her some qualities of awkwardness! That's pretty much it. Thanks for noticing this notice.

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