anything for your love

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SONG: "Anything for your love"- Guccihighwaters
Read A/N after~)
Violin took off the silk bonnet on her head as she finished getting ready.

Everything about her screamed ""

From her lengthy purple and black braids, Darkened makeup, even the dog chains that she stole from someone's house.

Of course she did fall on the more alternative side, rather than dressing like her other friends, and she most definitely enjoyed scream music and rock but that didnt make her any different.

As the door bell rung, Violin finished painting on her thickened eyeliner onto her eyes and fake lashes.

"Who is it!?" Violin yelled while skipping downstairs.

Behind the door stood an excited Fuckshit, not wasting anytime to push into the house.

"The fuck-" Violin mumbled.

"Guess what I did today-"

"Hopefully nothing illegal." Violin argued.

After hearing that comment, Fuckshit pissed his pants a little. This could go either really good. Or fucking terrible.

Let's just say it was option two.

Fuckshit revealed the backpack that was full of weed and a large bottle of pills. Violin looked up at the goofy blonde in confusion.

"You bought all this shit for you?" She questioned.

"No, Vi! To sell and make some fucking money!"

The room fell silent: Fuckshit hoping the cops wouldn't get called on him or Violin for killing him.

The duo were known for being crazy, a little wrestling that always turned into full on fighting was just their version of love.

Although it was concerning to others, it was normal for their friends and family who had watched their relationship develop.

As Ray would say: "you just smashed a glass on his back and he still show's up at your doorstep... there's a lot wrong with that but i cant judge."

"To make money for?" Violin questioned again, not fully understanding the concept of Fuckshit's plan.

"For food and shit! Didn't you want those elevators we saw at the mall the other day-" Fuckshit listed.

While Violin thought it was adorable Fuck shit remembered the platform shoes she had mentioned, selling drugs wasnt the answer for that.

"You're fucking- are you serious Fuckie?"

Fuckie had been Violin's nickname for Fuckshit when he had gotten chased by a Duck on his skateboard back in the day.

"Yes?" Fuckshit answered but also questioned.

"No- you- you have to take this back Fuckshit. Im serious." Violin ordered.

"Why i thought this would be good for us!"

Violin scoffed and rubbed her temples.

"Pardon- US? No, No, i'm not going to jail for being someone's drug dealer. Fuckshit, you have everything you need already- you get sent money from your parents for fuck sake!"

Fuckshit couldn't seem to understand the bad in becoming a dealer, for all he knew was that he was helping others out shit, even supplying himself at one point. He didnt need his parents bougie ass money to save the life he had.

"I wanna make my own money Vi! I don't need my parents white ass money-" Fuckshit argued.

"You have everything you need Fuck shit! Why cant you see that! You dont need to be out there in those streets- your parents are sending you that money so you wont end up in the fuckin streets!"

Fuckshit sighed, knowing that Violin was somewhat right like usual.

Let's be honest, Fuckshit and Violin made each other. The two kept each other stable mentally and physically, they needed each other like a fish needed water.

"I just wanted to get some extra money so we wouldn't have to worry, that's all..." Fuckshit mumbled with his head held down.

Violin's heart broke a little as she realized all Fuckshit wanted to do was to provide for the both of them. Her blackened nails reached up to Fuckshit's face, caressing him softly.

"We don't have to worry baby..." She started as her chocolate brown eyes met his forest green eyes.

"We have everything we need right now and even more, I'm working at the tattoo shop and you already make extra money on the side from working with Ray...and besides you'll be makin even more when you become the next pro!" Violin bragged excitedly, tickling the blonde.

"Yeah! Yeah! Okay!" Fuckshit laughed loudly before sighing as Violin stopped.

The two stared at each other as if nothing else in the world mattered at all. Just them against the world.

"I love you Vi-Vi. I would do anything for your love." Fuckshit expressed to his lover.

"I love you too Fuckie." Violin giggled before standing on her toes to kiss the blonde.

"I could still buy you those elevators when i get my next check right?" Fuckshit asked.

"Elevators? You mean platforms baby?"

"Yeah! Those shits." Fuckshit laughed.

"Yeah...but you gotta go take that bag back before you do anything." Violin warned him.

Fuckshit paused before digging into the bag and pulling out another bag.

"Wanna smoke a joint first?"

Violin's eyes lit up as she smiled brightly that made Fuckshit fell in love more.

"Oh, how i love that you know me so well." Violin said in a fake british accent that caused Fuckshit to laugh once again.

"Only I, Fuck shit the first knows the way to my lady's heart and pussy." Fuckshit responded in the same accent.

Violin's gasped at the response before being able to punch Fuckshit in his arm.

"Fuck shit!" Violin screamed playfully as Fuckshit carried the girl over his shoulder, smacking her ass loudly.

hiii, hope you guys enjoyed this bc i definitely fell in love with Violin although, i had doubts i would actually like this one shot. If you guys have any more suggestions for more one shots dm me or just comment down below ! i hope you guys are all doing okay and remember that its okay to put yourself and your needs first. its okay to not be okay but don't allow yourself to punish yourself for not being mentally okay. go do whatever you need to do to make yourself happy, remember- your happiness matters more than the opinions of others. also- happy late thanksgiving !
i love you all,

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