Chap.9: Ballad

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POV Brittany:

Since we left Santana has been weirdly upset. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to upset her, but I heard her screaming as we walked into the living room. After several minutes of walking fast I stop and Santana turns to me.

Santana: Why are you stopping?

Brittany: Santana what's going on?

Santana: Nothing.

She comes towards me.

Santana: Nothing is going on.

She comes up to me and kisses me passionately, it's so beautiful, we are in a very romantic little street even if I don't really know where we are. After a few minutes she pulls away and smiles at me.

Brittany: So can we go home now? I don't really like leaving Heather home alone.

At the end of my sentence I see Santana's face change, it doesn't look so good.

Santana: Heather Heather, is that the only name you can think of? Stop worrying about her when she doesn't give a damn about you! Do you care about us too? Because it doesn't really seem like you care that we're in some kind of parallel world!

In this kind of situation there is only one solution...a hug. I approach her and I know that she understands what I am going to do because she opens her arms to me. The cuddle lasts several minutes and the more the minutes pass the more she relaxes. Once she is totally relaxed I let her go.

Santana: I'm sorry sweetie, but with all the drama I'm losing my mind a little bit.

Brittany: That's okay but you're right I have to be there for you too like you are for me. I love you Santana.

She smiles and kisses me for the second time.

Santana: I love you too my little unicorn.

After this small discussion we continue to walk in small deserted streets. This city is really very beautiful. Santana continues to do as if nothing was wrong but I can see that there is a problem between her and Heather even if she denies it. On the way home I absolutely have to talk with Heather to clarify the situation. Earlier I wasn't woken up by Santana's screams but by Heather's fear and sadness, I feel that something has happened. After several streets we arrive near a lake.

Brittany: Look Santana, ducks!

Santana: Do you want to sit down for a while?

Brittany: Yes.

After several minutes she speaks up:

Santana: Ask me your question.

Brittany: Do you think we can go home?

I turn to her, she thinks.

Santana: I would love to say yes but I don't know.

I move closer to her and put my head on her shoulder and I look at the ducks.

Santana: I don't know, but what I do know is that I couldn't have asked for a better partner to travel in a parallel universe.

She gives me a smile.

Brittany: Me too.

After this discussion we decide to go home. On entering I see Heather in the entrance, she seems very upset.

Brittany: What's wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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