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Kang yuna
Simple, decent girl soft hearted
Studies in high school soon to be in college
Family :- father, mother and
             Older brother
          (kang soobin)
Bestie :- choi mia... J-hope
Ex boyfriend :- Kim suhoo


Kim Taehyung
Cold and rude not from start.. Still have a soft place in heart but never shows.. Studies in high school... Transfered three times
Family :- father, mother and
                  Older brother
                 (Kim SEOKJIN )
Best friends :- Park jimin., min yoongi., jeon jungkook


This are the important characters in story further there can be more
And more details will be there according to the story
Both Mr. Kim & Mr. Kang were childhood friends... And soobin and seokjin were friends since middle school..

But nor yuna neither taehyung knows each other well.. U can say they never mate each other... Cause of some reasons..

My love.. ♡    Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ