01x31: Past

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After that everyone is stabilized, Jisung went out from the hospital to find some air to breathe

He can still picture out what happened earlier. Jisung heaved a deep sigh and sat on the stairs outside

"A penny for your thoughts?" A voice from behind resonated

Jisung looked up and saw Minho smiling, Minho went beside Jisung and sat beside him

"Here" Minho said as he handed out a canned coffee

"Thanks" Jisung replied with a smile as he opened the coffee

"I heard what happened earier, I was at the operating room doing a joint surgery. I hope you're okay, and if you wanna talk to me about it, I'd gladly to hear you out" Minho said as he looked at Jisung

"Thank you. Really" Jisung said as he nudged at Minho and chuckled a little

A comfortable silence engulfed both of them as they just watch the night sky

"I was very emotional earlier because it reminded me of my past." Jisung opened up

Minho looked at him and smiled that Jisung opened up to him

"I witnessed how my grandparents died, both of them, because of the same tragedy that happened earlier." Jisunh continued

"Maybe because it is a childhood trauma? Because I was there together with them when that tragedy befell on us and I witnessed all of it."

"I am afraid of losing an elderly or maybe anyone in general I guess, because I don't want the people who are witnessing it to feel the same way as I did before."

"Maybe that's just a course of life, which I eventually can't stop from happening."

"But of course, I will not stop from trying to save a patient's life not just because it's my job but also I want them to have a second chance in life"

"Do I talk too much? I'm sorry for that" Jisung said as Minho tried to stop him

"No, you did not. I'm actually happy that you opened up to me and thankful because you trust me enough to tell me your story" Minho replied

"Thank you" Jisung said as he leaned his head on Minho's shoulder

Minho smiled at the sight and sipped on his coffee in content

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