03x08: Single

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Jisung scoffed as he smirked and rolled his eyes. He sipped on his coffee and walked out confidently

As he was walking, he was pulled back and was faced with Minho

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jisung asked angrily

"Let me go" Jisung added as he shook off Minho's arm

"Why are you flirting with that guy?" Minho asked

Jisung scoffed

"The nerve of you to ask. First of all, I'm single as fuck and I'm free to mingle everyone. Why are you even act like that? You're not even my boyfriend anymore, the last time i checked, you broke up with me remember? So, get lost out of my sight and go back to your bitchy girlfriend because she's itching out. Don't you dare pull this stunt again or you'll regret it" Jisung clapped back and walked off leaving Minho behind

Mingi looked from afar and saw what happened on the outside and sighed

After Jisung turned to the next road on the right, he stopped and pant heavily

He continued to walk and decided to call Felix, after a few rings he picked up

"Hi Lix"

"Hey Jisung, I haven't seen you around"

"Yeah, I took a leave for today"

"Are you okay?"

"Not really but I'll be fine"

"I'm coming over at your room. Wait for me" Lix replied and ended the call

Jisung sighed and walked back to their shared house and went to his room

He put his beverage on the side of his table and turned on his laptop again

He skimmed through his email again and clicked the one that he bookmarked

He typed some things in his word document, a formal letter to be exact.

After he's done composing a document, he composed an email letter again and attached the word documents that he written.

He took a deep breath and hoped for the best then he sent it

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