Chapter 3: The Beginning of Second Year

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As Charlie and Hermione boarded the train at Platform 9 3/4 and took a seat next to each other in an empty compartment, they had noticed something. "Wait a minute. Where are Harry and Ron?" Hermione asked as Charlie looked around and did not see them anywhere. so he shrugged his shoulders. "I thought that they were behind you." replied Charlie as Hermione was starting to look worried. Meanwhile, Harry and Ron were in a flying car outside. "Hey Ron!" Harry called out as Ron was driving. "Yes?" he answered as he was concentrating. Harry was about to answer when they heard something that sounded like a train whistle. Both of them had fear in both of their faces as they turned and saw the Hogwarts Express right behind them. They then screamed as Ron made the car fly away just in time. "At least we're safe now." Harry said as Ron breathed a sigh of relief. Later that night after driving all the way to Hogwarts, Ron suddenly lost control as he and Harry crashed into what looked like a tree. In the Great Hall however, Charlie and Hermione were enjoying the feast, they were enjoying their food when Hermione was starting to worry about Harry and Ron. "Where are they? They weren't on the train! You don't suppose that they've done something stupid, have they? I mean, what if they've been expelled." she said with panic in her voice. "I don't know." Charlie simply replied as he gave her a soft hug in an effort to calm her down. Hermione then sighed and returned the hug. When they stopped hugging, Charlie looked at her. "Hermione? Do you remember when we transformed before we started this year?" Charlie asked as he started to shake nervously. "Yes. I didn't remember who I was or what I did. Why?" she replied concerned. "Well, you might have bitten Ginny. She is Ron's sister." he explained nervously as Hermione's face went pale. "Oh no." she buried her face in her hands as Charlie gave her another soft hug. Hermione then sobbed into his robes. As soon as they finished eating along with the rest of the students and Hermione was feeling a bit better, they then got pain again inside of both of their stomachs as they both grunted. 

"Let's go to the forbidden forest. Nobody will see us there." Charlie managed to suggest. Hermione nodded as they ran to the forbidden forest. Once they got there, they managed to pant as their bones inside both of their bodies shifted around, their clothing got ruined and they soon fully transformed. Charlie, in his werewolf form, managed to go over to Hermione who was in her werewolf form and put his head against hers and closed his eyes. Hermione did the same thing. Just then, their wolf ears heard a howl coming from the distance. They ran to where it was coming from. Once they got there, they saw a werewolf that looked like them, but this one had a rather dark shade of red in the colour of it's fur. They looked at it before it noticed them and growled before proceeding to get into a pounce like position. Charlie's and Hermione's animal-like instincts kicked in and attack and had a fight with the red werewolf, scratching and biting brutally to the point of a little bit of blood came out of the arm of the red werewolf before they all took off into the night. 

The next morning, Charlie woke up on his bed in the Gryffindor boy's dorm. Harry and Ron were there as they looked at him concerned. "Hey mate. Had a rough night?" asked Ron and Charlie nodded.  "Where were you? Me and Hermione did not see you on the train." Charlie replied suspiciously. "It was awful. The portal was sealed off. So we had to use the car,but we ended up crashing into the Whomping Willow." Harry answered as Charlie nodded. "Now tonight we have detention with Lockhart." added Ron. "Well..." Charlie started to say as he was lost for words. "... I wish both of you the best of luck, even though that guy is a real fraud." Later that same morning after that they had breakfast, it was time for their first lesson of the year where Harry, Ron, Hermione and Charlie were all learning about Mandrakes with Charlie and Hermione standing next to each other. "Now class, who can tell me what Mandrakes are used for?" the teacher called Professor Sprout asked. Hermione and Charlie raised their hands. The class went silent. "Yes, Miss Granger and Mr Turner?" Professor Sprout asked. Mandrake or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous." Hermione answered." The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Charlie added. "Excellent! Take 10 points to Gryffindor each!" Professor Sprout announced as Charlie and Hermione looked and smiled at each other. They were both pretty proud of themselves. Not long after that, their next lesson was with Lockhart. "Oh my." Charlie said out loud. "This should be fun." he added sarcastically as he remembered what Hermione had said to him before their second year at Hogwarts had even started as Hermione, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement. 

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