The cave

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Shelby suggested we go to the cave after the squeaking indecent and we all thought that would be best for me, just to skip class and be alone with only my closest friends in one of the only places I feel comfortable.

We all split up and went to our lockers.

I grabbed my lunch, my book, my head phones and stuffed them in my black jansport backpack.

When I was done with my bag and changed my shoes and put on my camo canvas jacket and slip a faded yellow card written by my mom from like three years ago when I had the flu and I wasn't supposed to be at school into my pocket.

I'm ready to go.

I walk out to the front lobby and wait for my friends to meet me there for about five minutes.

When they finally come, Shelby is dressed in her blue ski jacket and side bag, Romeo's only wearing a thin red hoodie and because he believes bags are for preschoolers he dosen't have one with him and finally James has got on all his stuff, his scarf, hat, Janet, boots, and his bag stuffed to the max with all his books and lunch and.... Well I don't even know what else he could possibly have in there.

We take the lunch bus half way into town and get off on a public trail. After that we half to walk about a half a kilometer in and then 500 meters to the left off the trail and finally reach the cave.

All the way Romeo's blabbering on and on about nothing and Shelby's telling him off occasionally because he says something inappropriate, James us just laughing constantly at the mayhem and I'm just in the back with my hands in my pockets, head down looking at the leaves and roots, thinking about the look on Teresa's face.

Twenty minutes in we reach the cave and honestly it needs some work.

Leaves on the roof, sticks and branches on our little porch, a crack in one of the windows and a dead bird under the window he hit.

Shelby almost cried when she saw the little chickadee dead face up on the grownd. Romeo being the hero catches her when she falls back (she's really sensitive), hands her over to James, Grabs a stick and flicks it off into the nearby brush for a fisher or something to eat.

"Aw poor bird" Shelby said sniffling.

"Ya its a shame" James said sympathetically.

"Well we have to fix up this place. Let's just shove the bird to the back of our minds and get to work, eh!" Romeo said

For the next hour all we did was fix up the place. Shelby and James were inside sweeping, washing and fixing up the inside while Romeo and I are out side doing the heavy thifting.

When were done we get a little fire going in the stove and chill.

Not long after we're done working we get hungry, so we grab our lunches and have some food.

Eventually it gets dark cause we lose track of time so we all text our parents that were going to spend the night at the cave.

They say its fine.

Oh ya its Friday.

We get comfortable on the floor. Except Shelby, she's the princess.

We settle in and fall asleep.

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