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We walked into McDonald's and it was super busy so we just stood in line for like five minutes, but I didn't mind since I was waiting there with Teresa.

When it was finally our turn to order Teresa did all the talking,

"Hi what can I get for you guys" Asked the lady at the till

"Hi may we have a large order of fries and two applications please?" Asked Teresa

When we asked for applications the lady seemed relived, probably because it was normal you really busy.

"You sure can!" She said "is that everything?" She added

"Yep!" Said Teresa pulling out her wallet but before she could I had already gotten mine out and handed the lady some cash to pay for the fries with.

She handed us our applications and a pen each and we waited for our fries, which didn't take long considering that their just fries.

When we got our fries we walked over to a corner table and filled out them out.

"I don't know about you but I'm actually really excited about having a job and earning money for the trip" she said

"You know what?" I asked "I am too, this is going to be so fun" I finished.

"Is this your first job?" She asked

"No, well not technically, I worked in the summer for one of my mom's friends a while ago. But this is my first application. What about you?" I replied

"This is my second one, I worked at a grocery store for a while but they had me in a really stupid department so I quit" she said

"Well they didn't deserve you" I said with a smirk

A few minutes went by with me occasionally asking what to put where, like my name (just kidding on that part but it was pretty bad, all the questions I asked). Teresa finished first with me dragging behind, she just sat there waiting for me with the odd giggle at how dumb I was.

She's awesome.

After what seemed like forever I finished, the fries were long gone but I didn't mind. We got up and went to give the lady at the register the applications when,

"All done!" Said Teresa handing her the application

"Great, do you have a resumé too?" She asked

"Oh man! We completely forgot!" I said "can we go get them from home? Well be back in like twenty minutes." I said

"Ya sure, we're open twenty four hours" Said the till lady

"Awesome we'll be back" I said

We left to get resumés. We stopped at Teresa's first and she was in and out in like six minutes, when we went to my house I felt weird making her sit in the car so I asked,

"You wanna come in?"

"Umm, I guess I can if you want" she replied

"Sure come in" I insisted

When we went in my mom was sitting on the couch watching Dr.oz.

"Hi honey! How was your day yesterday?" She asked excitedly seeing Teresa

"Oh it was pretty ok" I said "this is Teresa, she's who I spent the day with yesterday"

"Well hi Teresa I'm very happy to meet you" my mom said smiling

With tat I ran up stairs and grabbed my resumé

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Asked my mom

"Oh were going to McDonald's to apply for a job"

"Oh ok, well good luck!" She said

"Thanks" we said together
And with that we left

When we were in the car I asked her,

"What you guys talk about while I was upstairs?"

"Oh just stuff" she said leaving me in the dark.

A few minutes later we reached McDonald's and gave the cashiers lady our resumés and applications and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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