chapter 1

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"Aw, come on Mako! Pick a dress already!" I chided, sending her a playful smile.

She looked back at me, turning around from looking in the mirror. She pushed her bottom lip out, sending me a poutful glare.

"I have to pick the perfect dress!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Its only a wedding..." I mumbled.

She jumped down from the pedestale, holding the frilly white garmet in her hands. Glaring at me from one eye, she flicked my forehead. I fell backward in my chair, holding a hand over the red spot.

"But it's Me and Gamagori's wedding!" she yelled, exsaperated.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I know, i know." I said.

she stepped back on the pedestal, looking back to the mirror with big eyes. She sniffed.

"I'm never going to find a dress!" she cried, fat droplets of tears flowing down her cheeks.\

"Sure you will!" I comforted, patting her shoulders.

She turned to me, "you think so?" she snivled.

Not really...

"Of course you will dear!" her mother jumped, holding a plate of croquetts, "and if you eat my mystery croquetts you'll find it for sure!"

Mako excitedly grabbed a handful of the croquetts, "you're right!" she said, shoving them into her mouth.

"Where's your dress dear?" Makos mother asked.

"Damnit!" I yelled, grabbing my bag.

"Sorry Mako! I forgot to buy my dress!" I said, running out the door.

"Good luck Ryuko!" she screamed.

I ran out of the bridal store, pushing past a a group of kids. Mataro flicked out his foot. I jumped over it, skidding to a stop before looking at him.

"Shouldn't you be inside helping your-" I started.

He cut me off, "I got people to pick pocket!" he chuckled, sliding over to me.

I rolled my eyes, "I got crap to do." I said, pushing my hand against his forehead to push him away.

He waved, "see ya' round!" he chuckled, walking down an alley.

I sighed, starting to run down the street again. I passed by bakery's, flower shops, everything close to ordinary.


I looked behind me, and Jakuzure was running behind me, waving her hand. I slowly stopped, turning around to watch her catch up with me. she put her hands on her knees, breathing heavily.

"Whats up?" i asked, tilting my head to the side.

She looked up, "I dont know what music to play at Gamagori's wedding!" she said annoyed, her eyes turning to slits.


"What should i do!" she screamed, stomping her foot.

"play something...good?" i asked, cringing away from her frustrated look.

"youre no help." she ticked.

"Im no musician." I retorted.

She stood up straight, arching her back.

"Beethoven maybe?" she asked, pouting.

Who the hell is beethoven?

"Sounds good!" I said, smiling big for her.

She smiled to herself, obviously pleased.

"Well, I'm off! I have to start warming up my band!" She said, before waving at me.

I nodded, turning back around. The dress shop was just right around the corner of the next street...

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I shoved my hands in my pockets, walking slowly to the shop.

Senketsu would of wanted me to wear him...

I shook my head, stopping infrnt of the double glass doors. I peeked inside, shielding the sun around my eyes.

I pulled open the door, hearing a tinkling bell ring as I stepped in. A women popped her head from above a bunch of colored dresses.

"Can I help you?" She asked, dusting her hands onto her pants.

"I wouldn't be in here if-"

"Oh! You have such a cute body!" The women said, coming behind me and patting my shoulders. She started to push me forward into the store.

"What kind of dress are you looking for? Cocktail? Party? Ohhh maybe a summer dress!" She said, pointing a finger to her mouth.

"I need a dress to go to a wedding!" I interrupted, jumping to face her.

She smiled deviously, "so a little black dress will work?" She asked.

Before I could answer she rushed to the back of the store, disappearing into the masses of dresses. I sighed, dropping my bag to the floor. I looked around, watching a dress sparkle in the sun that seeped through the window. I made a disgusted face. The lady came back, holding a black bulk.

"Try this one!" She said, handing me the dress.

She pushed me through the dresses, across the store. Shoving me through a door, she smiled as she poked her head through.

"Have any problems just yell!" She smiled, closing the door.

I cracked my knuckles, pulling off my shirt and pants. I stood in front of a full body mirror.

"Mako you're so much trouble." I smiled, pulling the dress off of the hanger.

I pulled the dress over my head, letting it slip down my body. The course fabric caressed my skin before setting into place.

It was plain.

A simple black dress that hugged my hips and chest. It stopped halfway down my thighs. I cracked a half smile.

This wouldn't make senketsu jealous at all...

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