~ Chapter 1 : All alone ~

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Hey guys. This story takes place during Dream's prison era and after Quackity wanted information about the revive book. I haven't really caught up on current egg lore so this is what I'm going with based on what I know so I'm sorry if I get things wrong.

-Sapnap angst (obviously)

I thinks that's all but alert me if there is anything else. And if there are any spelling mistakes be sure to let me know.

This is a long chapter so yea...

Anyway enjoy :)

~ Snapmap's pov~

Lately everything has gone downhill for me. Dream is in prison which is fair but I miss his comforting smile, George is always asleep and barely knows what’s happening, Bad and Skeppy and all them are infected by the egg, Karl is never around and won’t explain why and he doesn’t remember Quackity which is really worrying. Speaking of Quackity, he’s cooped up in Las Nevada, he still doesn’t forgive us but would anyone? We should have told him about Kinoko Kingdom. I’ve given myself a bad rep for most of the other people on the server.

I sighed. Sitting up on the orange satin clothed bed, closing my eyes. I hadn’t slept in a while come to think of it. The wars happened and all the stress of more events happening all so fast. I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

Deciding that I had thought about this way too much, I jumped off the bed onto the cold stone floor. Our house wasn’t that big and was cosy and warm. I made my way to the door, closing it on my way out. Wondering down the halls sometimes calmed me down sometimes.

I finally made my way downstairs, looking at the room in front of me. Now that I think of it we should have added some carpets as the floor is freezing with no socks on.

I headed to the kitchen with the intention to make breakfast. Karl was out once again. I sighed again before going to grab the cereal and a bowl. Pouring the cereal into the bowl, my mind drifted off once again. Then I was immediately snapped back out of them as I found that I had poured too much cereal into the bowl. I groaned. Why did this always happen? I put the overflowing cereal back into it’s box and went to get the milk out of the fridge. It was a boring day just like any other until I heard the front door opening and a familiar face come through the door.

“Been a while, Sapnap?” He spoke. I was frozen it couldn’t be him could it? He was meant to be in prison! Why is he here!?

“Hello again…Dream…” I replied in a ruff voice. He could tell I was in full confusion and laughed or more like wheezed.

He finally stopped wheezing after a few minutes and opened his emerald green eyes, eyeing me up down sending a shiver down my spine. I suddenly realized that I had overflowed the milk and it was going all over the side. I wiped it up and put the milk back in the fridge before walking next to Dream giving him a stare of hatred. For a moment he looked in pain. I hesitated, wondering if Dream was actually hurt by my stares or if he was faking it like he does most things.

I sighed as I directed him into the living room.

“Would you like anything to eat or drink?” I asked bluntly. He shook his head and I went back into the kitchen to grab my cereal. When I came back with my bowl, I found Dream sitting on the sofa fiddling with the television remote, trying to find something that interested him before finding nothing and starting a conversation.

“So…Where’s Karl?” He questioned. He hadn’t realized or even knows anything other than he was put in prison experiencing nothing but loneliness. To be honest that’s how I felt most of the time. Typical isn’t it? How two best friends become outcasts at the exact same time but with different circumstances.

I thought of the best way to respond. I didn’t want him to find anything useful against Karl.

“Well he isn’t here at the moment. You missed him.” I replied with a slight hint of nervousness, mixed with a hint of fear and anger. He raised an eyebrow. He knew I was lying.

“Where is he and why are you lying? How long has he been gone?” He asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.  My brain sped up contemplating whether to tell him or not. Surely he wouldn’t go against me or Karl. I mean we used to be friends. I looked back at Dream. His facial features showing obvious looks of concern growing as I stood silent for longer than he anticipated.

Next thing I knew I was spitting it all out. How Karl had forgot about Quackity and how he was forgetting more and more by the day. I told him how I almost never saw him as he was out most of the time. I told him all about how lonely I had been, how I actually missed his warm smile and how it was replaced with one purely made of laughter when others were hurt. I told him everything I had been thinking about for the past few months not realizing slight tears dripping down my face. And then I felt it. A hug. Most people wouldn’t be phased by having such a simple familiar gesture but since I hadn’t had a hug for a few years this took me by surprise yet I hugged back feeling safe and warm.

Tears ran down my face as I could barely stop them. I felt a feeling of tiredness overtake me as my vision went black and the warmness decease. I finally felt safe as I let myself fall into a slumber.

First chapter done lmao...

That was quite long but I didn't really know how to end it so I just went with whatever I thought work.

Next chapter might be out by next week but idk so...

Anyway have a good day everyone!! :)

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