Chapter 1

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Spider man was trying to sleep but his stomach was rumbling his Spider sense was sensing so much

Spider man:I don't....oh man my head

Spider was feeling like electricity was burning through his skin

Spider man:I need....i need water

Spider man went to the kitchen and got water and keep drinking over and over

Spider man:Oh god what is happening to me

Spider man opened the fridge and eat left over pizza and different types of food

Spider man:oh man my head what was in the lighting bolt must have been very unhealthy not part of a balance shocking

Spider man layed back on the bed and tried to go to sleep

Spider man:I get in weird situations don't i

Spider man slowly feel asleep
Iron man:Ok damage control has it under control....any idea on the machine

Reed:It was able make a replica of the power of the sun but it doesn't seem like any purpose for us to use

Captain America:Yea but why invent it seem so much for something so little

Reed:And it failed

Iron man:Can we get a hold of spider man

Reed:Ill call him

Iron man:I wonder what is he up too
Spider man woke up on the ceiling and saw how his room was covered in webs

Spider man:man if carlie saw this she would be pissed

Spider man got down and felt refresh and energized

Spider man:*sniff*ahh another day another me

Spider man felt his stomach rumbling

Spider man:Maybe for today peter gets the breakfast

Peter got out and wore his clothes and went out to get some breakfast

Peter:Man i feel great....*sniff*sausages biscuits maybe bacon pancakes....or breakfast burrito

Peter enjoyed the though of a good breakfast when suddenly he saw child running

Peter saw the child running towards the streets were a car was coming


The child didn't listen just keep running

Peter knew spider man not gonna save the child but peter Parker can

Peter quickly ran as fast as he can...but feel something weird

Peter ran and manage to catch the kid

But he noticed how everything was moving slow

Spider man then felt the air of the present

The child mother came

Mother:Oh my god....thank you much

Peter:Yea...sure no problem

Child:You run fast

Peter:are you ok

Child:Im ok

Mother:God bless you sir...god bless you

Peter got up and left

Peter:Wow that was weird....agh still hungry

Peter went to a restaurant and went to down

People saw how peter had ate several sausage biscuits....pancakes...and fruits

Peter:Oh man

Waitress:Sir are you gonna pay for these there a problem

Waitress:No just concern


Peter was walking outside

Peter:I wonder if i should go reed and see what happened to me....or maybe its just gas....or maybe i need to go work out more

Peter then saw police driving fast

Peter:Cant get a break

Peter went to an alley way and changed quickly into spider man

Spider man swung as fast as he can and seeing how there was a fire

Spider man:Ok i can do this

Spider man broke in and started saving people

Spider man moved fast taking people out and moving as fast as he can but then something happened his body felt shock and he saw time around him slow

Spider man quickly grabbed some people and swung them out

The people noticed how Spider man was going fast and when he was done everyone saw him and Spider man noticed how many were staring at him

Then spider man smelled bacon

Spider man then noticed his boots were on fire

Spider man:agh *spider man swung towards central park towards the lake*

Spider man feel down and felt water cool him and calm his down

Spider man:*Sigh*what is happening*

On the news

Jjj:This just on the menace know as Spider man was seen at burning building but this time he faster...and extremely fast

Showing spider man how fast he went to save people

Jjj:Could be be showing his new spider powers...find out more later today

With Spider man

Spider man Got out an lake

Spider man:I hope no one saw

Jjj news

Jjj:This just in spider man has been seen terrorizing the fishes in central park.

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