Chapter 2

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Spider man was taking things slow

Slowly swing and slowly walking and opened slowly

Spider man was taking things slow

Spider man:what is happening

Spider man looked around feeling how the world was moving around him slow

Spider man:That machine must have given me super see things more slower?

Spider man then tossed a book and saw how it slowly was falling

Spider man:Ok

Spider man went and grabbed it

Spider man:Ok

Spider man looked around and thought of an idea

Spider man ran around moving as fast as he can and then cleaned his apartment looking like an exact home someone would live in

Spider man:Oh yea

Then something caught his eye the clock

Spider man could have sworn this would take around an hour but somehow it took 1 second

Spider man:Whoa....super speed?

Spider man looked around and wondered some things

Spider man:hmmm

Spider man put in his suit on and ran around new york

Spider man saw some robbers and he quickly put his camera closer and he took picture while beating people up

Taking awesome pics

Spider man:I should get a raise

Then running around and helping civilian cleaning around new york

Spider man:Beautiful

Then he went and changed in the daily bugle

Peter walked in and showed jjj the new pictures

Jjj:Wow...these are great....what you do

Peter:Well new camera lens

Jjj:good...we need more pictures of spider man and his work who knows what he is planning

Peter:Wow arnt you getting tired of it jjj

Jjj:Never he is planning something who knows

Peter:Well how much

Jjj:Ill give you 600


Peter after getting the money went to a burger joint

Peter ordered 5 burgers and several fries

Peter:Man this is getting out of hand

Eating them all

Peter:i hope people dont think im depressed

Then hearing siren ring

Peter:Ok here we go again

Peter then walked out and speeded out

Spider man ran and saw a fire and he quickly ran in and got people out them the fires went out and then appeared a burned out fire blanket

And the streak of light went all over the city

Spider man:This is great looking around

Spider man ran around helping several people

The defenders were getting ready for a fight

Daredevil:There all gonna pay

Then a streak of light came and beat down several thugs

The defenders jaw dropped

And saw how it disappeared

Spider man then saw a bank robbery

And the police saw how the thugs were beaten down and stripped down from there gear



Spider man was at home and passed out and feel asleep
At avengers tower

News was going crazy

Jjj:A light saving new york who is this hero and what will he do

Iron man:Whoa

Captain America:a mutant?

Captain marvel Why is it saving people....humans

Iron man:maybe he is not a mutants or better yet not an x men

War machine:I seen that face before

Iron man:He is our new member

War machine:Good luck with that

Scarlet witch:You must ask him so many questions


Hawkeye:I wonder if he is in a relationship how happy she is or disappointed

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