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Hi *flynn rider smirk*

Hello people,

okay so this is me trying to write a book.
I don't know how it's gonna turn out or what's gonna happen but I just wanna say that I have no writing experience (for this) whatsoever and if you're here I'm assuming you've read the excerpt/description and tags so yeah welcome to my book <3

Very happy to see ya.

ight so I don't have a lot to say except that for now, I don't think I have a proper routine to update this book but I will soon.

I will accept constructive criticism but only if the particular statement doesn't warrant hate or unwelcoming intentions towards anybody. I will not tolerate hate comments please as funny as they are sometimes they just make me feel like shit later.

Feel free to correct any grammatical errors you might find.

I'd also advice that the readers be 13+ to read this book but I know y'all ain't finna listen and who am I to stop you? Read away people

The story (kinda) includes:

• swearing

• some graphic and gory scenes

I got nothin more so let's go

I really hope y'all enjoy this it took me a lot of time.

I apologise in advance for any emotional stress you may or may not endure and also if you find anything cringy I really try not to but just deal with it y'all😃

have a spiffing ;) time, loves<3


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