Chapter 2

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Striding through the halls, she walked around aimlessly. Vala assumed that she was close to where Loki was; considering how many guards had met her as she entered.
Time to time, she would run into a guard or two, casually killing them as she passed. Honestly— you would think their security would be one hundred times better since the war had started. But clearly when it came to Asgard, that wasn't the case.

It was oddly silent in the palace. Vala's footsteps could clearly be heard, even though she was walking as quiet as she could.
The longer she turned corners in the castles, peering into every door she passed by, it started to seem like she had been walking in constant circles. Going nowhere.
Honestly, it was tiring. Especially when the assassin had no idea where she was going.

Though she stopped in her tracks out of nowhere. People talking.
This was a good sign. Now the only thing was that she didn't know who was talking. That made her heart drop.
Was it more guards? Or even Loki? Now this was something she was wondering.
Silently, she walked towards the voices, unaware of who or even what it was. It sounded like people. But she couldn't figure out what they were saying. We're they speaking in another language? Possibly code? This she didn't know.

Vala slithered around the corner. Finally the mumbling had become slightly clear; only catching a few words.

"What do you think I—"
"Make sure to—"
"Anything else—"
"Try to—"

This was all she could make out of what they were saying, the rest of the words now lost. This aggravated her, not being able to hear their exact words. She still had no clue who the two voices were. Both seemed to have a nice accent to their voices, though one was more deeper and huskier than the other. Both were males though. That's the only thing she could clearly tell.
She stood there, pressed against the wall; right next to the doorway. Probably not her smartest move ever.
Out of the blue, she heard one of the figures walking towards the doorway... the doorway she was right next to.
She strode towards the nearest corner to hide along, her heart slightly racing. If she gets caught— especially when she had no clue who was walking out— who knows what will happen to her.
It seemed to have been a miracle, barely making it behind the corner before the figure walked out. They headed down the other side of the hallway, which was perfect.

Now she could go see who the other person, who was still in the room.
Sliding out from the corner, she trotted at a fast pace towards to where she was moments ago before the other figure walked towards her.
Daringly, she peeked her head inside only to glance at another plain guard. Darn.
The guard also had seemed to have seen her, walking briskly towards the door. His speak in his hand, unafraid to stab whoever was there.
Vala waited... and waited... for the perfect time to pop out from the corner and somehow attack this guard— who actually seemed to be the only one that acted like a decent protector.
Finally she threw herself from the corner, nicking her leg on the tip of his spear as she lunged at him, wrapping her arm around his neck as she was in midair.

The guard dropped his spear at once, trying to pull her arm off of his neck to be able to breathe.
He coughed; his body protesting, trying to let oxygen get into his lungs. Though Vala continued to keep her arm around his neck. With her other arm, she pulled out one of her daggers that had been implanted in one of the guard's apprentices earlier. She held it to his throat before she whispered in the guard's ear.

"Tell me where he is, and maybe I'll let you live." She obviously wouldn't let him live, but might as well bribe him while she could.
"I—" He pressed out, though only kicked his legs for air.
Vala rolled her eyes, loosing her grip around the man's neck, but just enough to let him breathe.
"Who— where is who?" He asked after gasping for a gulp of air.
"You know exactly who." She hissed.
"I won't— I can't tell you!"
Vala pressed the dagger closer to his throat, proceeding to tighten her grip around his neck once again.
"OKAY! Okay.. Fine... He just left—"

Thump. There laid the guard's body; lifeless. It was quite a shame, in Vala's opinion, that she had to waste a good source of a decent soldier.
But Vala careless wiped the man's blood that was on her dagger upon the corner of her black cloak she had on. Letting out a hmph noise she continued her journey.

She strode in the direction Loki had walked out of, on a concentrated pursuit, almost as if she was a bloodhound.
     Cautiously she took out two daggers, holding them in between her fingers. You could never be too safe when it comes to sneaking around your enemy's palace.
Not to mention when you're on the hunt to find your enemy.
Though she has been an assassin for most of her life, she still always felt nervous when she snuck around. She always felt like someone was... watching her?
But she knew that was just her mind playing with her; just her nerves. The thing was that she felt excited to be honored with the roll of killing Asgard's king. But that same pit in her stomach stuck with her when she was sneaking around the palace.

When would she finally find Loki and get the nerves out of her system? Why did she feel like someone was watching her persistently? She asked these same questions to herself multiple times, her eyes flickering around every nook and cranny...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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