Mission morigan or mission drama?

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Kiera's pov :-

I and scarlett followed morigan without her noticing. We saw,she sat in a black car and we also sat in our car and followed that car....I was driving the car

"Did you took the necessary materials?" Scarlett asked while yawning 

"Yes, here you take this chilly powder and pepper spray" I gave her both of the things which were already there in my car.

"You keep this also in your car?" Scarlerr asked laughing..

"Yepp you don't know when it comes in use" I replied laughingly

"Well that's true and one more thing don't forget to take photo of that girl or guy whoever it is to whom morigan is going to meet and not even telling us" Scarlett said while putting pepper spray in her jeans' pocket

"Yeahh sure" I said

"Ok so here's the plan" I continued " Here wear this boy hair wig" I said giving her the wig "And wherever this black car stops, try to distract morigan and that person whoever is driving the car and till then I'd park the car and hide in place from where I could see morigan and that person clearly but they cannot see me, after that you just go and sit in car until I call you" I explained her

"Seems like a perfect idea to me" Scarlett said.

Then we both saw that, that black car stopped in front of a bungalow...Then Scarlett quickly went out of the car with a wig, a hoodie and jeans on...As soon as she left I parked the car behind the a large tree which was there in front of the house...And I saw Scarlett knocking on the window of that car.... I knew she would do this perfectly...

Scarlett's pov :-

I knocked on the window and as the window was the opened, the first thing I saw was morigan on the lap of some guy, I looked up to look at that guy face and I swear he was so handsome...I was totally drooling over him until that guy asked me, "Excuse me?? What do you want?"

"Umm..Yeah can you tell me where is Kiera Alderidge's home??" I asked in a guy voice...

Before that guy could reply morigan asked,"Why? Who are you?"

"I'm sorry it's personal" I replied

"It's okay love you can ask to kiera tomorrow" Felix told to morigan and why the helll he is calling her LOVE!!?!?!

"Love I'm telling him the directions till then you go and wait for me in the room" He said while winking to morigan.

"Come soon" Morigan said being flirty

Then they both fckin KISSED?!?!??!?

And morigan went out of the car

Meanwhile,Kiera's pov :- 

I quickly hid myself in the garden behind all the herbs and shrubs....I saw morigan coming out of the car.....I quickly took out my phone and got ready to take photo of that person as the door opened of the car and yeahh I took the photo at the perfect time!!

I quickly took out my phone and got ready to take photo of that person as the door opened of the car and yeahh I took the photo at the perfect time!!

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