Fat Man

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5 years later

"No!" Percy slammed his fist on the table. He narrowed his eyes at Lepidus. "Let's make this clear, I am not here for power, I am here for liberation."

Lepidus smirk did not waver as he shrugged nonchalantly. "Have it your way, Poseidon Spawn." The ex-roman leader reached for the scabbard of his dagger, "But don't forget Sicily."

The moment the words left Lepidus' lips. He regretted it instantly. The air moisture grew thicker and thicker as Lepidus' backed away slightly on his makeshift throne. "Guards!" He wheezed as his breath became more ragged.

"Last chance" Percy clenched his fist in anger, "You knew what they were doing! You knew their fate, yet you didn't save them."

"You won't be any better than Caesar if you kill me." This was Lepidus' last card. The most dangerous and risky, heroes always diverged from 'villains'. They make themself seem different when in the end... All paths lead to Rome.

Percy hesitated for a second, reminiscing about the carnage in the heart of Carthage. Innocents dying, fire burning, agonising cries of pain.

"Deal," Percy regretted his words instantly but it had to be done, "I'll fight beside you."

A smirk danced across Lepidus' mouse-like face, "I knew you would see sense." The emperor raised his hands signalling one of his centurions to step forward and lay a map. "Now what's the plan, demigod!"


Percy was not book smart like Annabeth or Malcolm but when coming to life or death, he was 'smarter' than Athena or Thoth if you would prefer. He obviously had not submitted his life to the cunning emperor, it was a personal agenda. Percy was a sole man, no matter how strong, a single being couldn't take down an army of over 15 legions meaning around 45 thousand troops trained to be the best. He needed an army, and that's where Lepidus comes in, commandeering 15 thousand soldiers, it would be a near-impossible feat for 15,000 men to defeat 45,000 men. Now, this is where the gods come in...

"On the date of August 18," Percy paused, remembering his goal to reach his time before the second titan war begins and the world ends. "Mark Antony and Caesar are coming together for a banquet in the heart of the Empire, thousands of guards swarming in the heart of the city."  They were in a room similar to the big house but the ping pong table was replaced by a priceless quartz table lined with gemstones.

Lepidus crossed his arms, "You plan to assassinate the two of them on that day. That's stupid and idiotic, there's no possible way to sneak into the palace witho-"

"I know that! You blundering fool! With 20 thousand total men in the city, our spies have notified us of 15 thousand men guarding the inside and 5 thousand on the outside. This is the perfect opportunity." Percy's sea-green eyes sparkled with excitement over his plan worthy of Athena. "Now we need to split our army into 3 divisions. I want 7 thousand men to flank the kingdom on their right. Next, we need 3 thousand men to spread their forces thin and circle the city. With 5 thousand remaining, I want you to commandeer them into the heart of the city as if you are planning on assassinating the pair."

Lepidus glared at the demigod in front of him, looking barely 14 years old. "And what may I presume, that you will be doing" The so-called king gritted his teeth, well what remains of his decayed and rotten teeth.

"I'll be having the worst job in the world, meeting with the Olympians and my favourite uncle."

Lepidus scoffed, "And who is ur favourite uncle?" The rat-faced Peter Pettigrew reject assumed the uncle to be some kind of peasant named Gertrude who farms rice all day long.

The son of Poseidon looked out the crystal clear window of the palace's war room and grinned cheekily, "Piss off Zeus, it's Hades, no one likes you including your wife!!!" The once cerulean sky thundered and crackled as it turned dark black, as a lightning bolt slammed towards the earth scorching the price-less quartz table, burning it to ashes. Lepidus flinched his mouth wide agape in shock at the fact the kid in front of him was bullying and sassing the literal most 'powerful' god.

"Y-yes." Lepidus stuttered out and the sheer bravery of this 14-year-old.

Percy smirked, "Time to go to the underworld." As he drove a dagger through the scorched table towards the burnt map, in the heart of the underworld.


The crimson red sky omitted a dark rhythm as it hummed mind-numbingly as souls laid opposite it, some on the coast of the Styx crying out in agony as they huddled together. Shrieking and roaring echoed through the dark caverns as bat-like creatures flew in and out of a deep dark abyss of punishment.

Percy stepped at the edge of the Styx, treading carefully to not alert the souls and the furies. His feet threaded slightly against the Styx, the tides of the river licked the edge of Percy's Nike shoe, limited edition as it was probably the first, technically.

The ground crunched ever so slightly as Percy slowly circled the Styx, he had managed to use an entrance to the underworld near the outskirts of Rome. Suddenly, a hand flew out of the sand and grabbed against Percy's leg. The son of Poseidon shrieked like a girl as his heart thundered furiously in his chest. "Averte heros pro mortuis ambulare vivere, Kronos surget, heros currite, currite!"

"What the Hades!" Percy shook his head confused, as he pulled out Riptide faintly remembering the kiss on his cheek before bringing his hand down on the creature's grey shrivelled arm. "Must be a relative of Alecto." Percy thought.

"Next up! Next up! 1 drachma for the entry fee!" A grim reaper like being sat down on a creaky wooden canoe slowly burning against the acidic waves of the Styx.

"Me!" A fat man roared with a bag of drachmae in his hands. Seemingly morsels of food and old people gunk flew out of the man's haggard beard. "Skata!" Percy swore as realisation hit him, he face-palmed at his forgetfulness, he had forgotten to ask Lepidus to loan him a couple of drachmas. He was bankrupt.

"Never thought I would pursue the career of being a mugger even in the underworld.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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