Craziness overloaded.....

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He came to use her,
She came to use him,
Both were having different thoughts,
Different ways to betray each other.

Destiny had played its role,
Haters became lovers,
Same poles became different,
To attract each other.

His red cap stole her heart,
Her smile stole his heart,
Keeping each other heart,
Both fall in love with there heart.

His answers on call,
Make her irritate,
His apology on call,
Make her smile.

Her immature nature,
Make him fall for her more,
Her non sense talk,
Make him thought.

His two way talks,
To check her brain skills,
It took her heart,
To not abuse by heart.

Her happiness lies is in his happiness,
His happiness lies in her smile.

Laughing like a mad woman,
Is her hobby,
To make him smile,
To make him laugh.

Not complementing her,
Make her sad,
His effort to make her laugh,
By her insult is awesome.

His happiness is with her,
Her happiness is with him,
Destiny had played her role,
It attracted two opposite poles.

Her respect in his eyes,
Make her proud,
His concern for him in her heart,
Make him happy.

Life is not easy for both,
But both are at each other back,
Life can never be easy,
But everyone has there ways to make it easy.

Both are happy with each other,
Both are smiling with each other,
Both are with each other at misery,
Both are together to solve every misery.

Staying together,
Living happily,
Fighting like Tom and Jerry,
But living like Romeo and Juliet,
It's there destiny,
They fall for each other.


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