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Problems arised in your life
Killing you with a stab of a knife
You wanna shout out all your frustrations
All that's pushing you to depression...

You want to cry
However, your tears defy
You keep it all inside
Not ready to show your tear to the people by your side

I want to help you get over
Yet I don't know what to do
Time moves so fast, all I see is a blurr
A sad aura surrounds you
And your face looks so blue...

I can see that you're struggling
        From the tears that starts to form
        From the frown deeply engraved on your face
        From the forced smile you shape on your lips
I can see it and I don't like the view

If only I wasn't such a clueless friend
If only I knew what to do
Then I'd know how to bring back the spark in you...

Coz' the rain won't stop pouring
And the sun won't stop hiding
Even more, my heart will stop beating

        Till I see, till you show me what I miss...

And Honestly,
I miss the smiling friend of a clueless friend...

[[I've decided that it'd be Poet's note coz well, what I'm writing are poems and yeah... Truth is, this poem- I dedicate this to a friend and I'm glad, so happy, that she likes it. To those people suffering through their darkest challenging times, never forget you have a friend with you. I know that there will always be friend/s that are willing to help you. They just dont know how so it's up to you, if you want their help or not. I tell you, never push your friends away coz to me, friends are my sunlight in a night full of troubles. Hope y'all like the poem. <3 ^~^v]]

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