#3 - Occupations

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In most Anakin x Reader stories, the woman Anakin falls in love with is either a Jedi, a princess, a Queen or a senator. If the OC is a Jedi, she was usually taken late and brought to the Temple to train. If she was a princess or Queen, then Anakin was sent to protect her after she was almost assasinated, or someone was concerned about her. If the OC was a senator, the same thing happens there.

These tropes I'm gonna talk about come from the OC being either a Jedi, or senator, which I will explain quickly.

If the OC is a senator:

- She usually is a friend or the sister of Padme. 

- She usually ends up taking the role of Padme somewhere in the story.

- She usually ends up pregnant.

If the OC is a Jedi:

- She is usually trained by a member of the Jedi Council, usually Master Yoda, Master Windu, or Master Plo Koon.

- She sometimes ends up getting kidnapped for some reason, and doesn't attempt to put up a fight, even though she has been trained for at least a decade.

- She usually ends up taking the role of Padme, mostly if the story is set in Attack of the Clones.

- Random men seem to hit on her for no reason, and Anakin has to save her.

- She usually has force-visions or nightmares. 

- During Attack of the Clones, if OC is sent to protect Padme, she usually jumps out the window instead of Obi Wan.

- In most stories, Padme is pretty much more than fine with pairing Anakin and the OC together, even setting up picnics for them while she stays at the Lake House with limited protection. This happens whether or not she has feelings (or lust) for Anakin.

- And of course... the OC still seems to end up pregnant. With twins. Because of course she has twins.

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