Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung set the three trays down in her room after sneaking past her alcohol-smelling father.

"Of all times to forget something, I forget the icing."

Chaeyoung mentally scolded herself and snuck past her father once again. Once her house sneak-out was completed, she ran to Jennie's real fast to get the icing.

"You could have called, and I would have brought it to you Chae." Jennie handed Chaeyoung the icing.

"Yeah well... Oh whatever!" Chaeyoung turned away and started on her way back home.

To Chaeyoung's luck, her father wasn't woken by any subtle noises that could have happened when she was away.

"Okay, icing, dye, tubes, cupcakes, and bowls," Chaeyoung checked off her items. "This should do."

Right away Chaeyoung got to work on icing the main cupcakes for the festival. She designed them like Jennie suggested, with everyone's favourite colors. She even went the extra mile to write everyone's names on their color in cursive.

Then came her third batch for Jennie. This was where Chaeyoung went blank. She had no idea what to write, how to write it, what color to make them, and everything in between.

"Do I just write 'I love you'? Argh this is harder than I thought!"

After ten (ish) minutes of writing down ideas and brainstorming, Chaeyoung came to the conclusion that almost each cupcake would have a reason written on it of why Chaeyoung fell head-over-heels for Jennie after the years they've been friends. These words of course, were hard for Chaeyoung to write out, despite her love poems.

Once Chaeyoung got the reasons down after ten or fifteen minutes, she saved six cupcakes to write her final line, "are reasons why I love you". This part would be in cursive and written in pink, and the writing would be outlined in a light blue. The reasons were alternating between blue and pink on the letters.

The final product took forty minutes to write out, and Chae couldn't believe she was doing this. Every time she looked at the third tray, it gave her a warm feeling inside. It gave a mental slideshow of her favourite memories with Jennie.

"Snap out of it! You've gotta cover these up for the festival!"

Chaeyoung ended up using an old cupcake tray lid from her recycling bin for each tray she baked. They just barely covered each tray, but worked none-the-less.

Taking one last look at the cupcakes, Chaeyoung rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"Hey Jennie, I uh... Made these for you..." Chaeyoung blushed heavily and turned away, stretching her arms out to show Jennie her cupcakes.

"You..." Jennie paused, taking in the events happening. "You love me?"

"Y.. Yes, okay? I love you Jennie, I love you with all my heart. I denied it for so long and begged the others for help because I was too scared to talk to you. This was what the third batch was for, it was all for you!"

Jennie giggled slightly, but that giggle turned into full blown laughter.

Chaeyoung's heart dropped.

"Do you-." Jennie panted between laughter. "Do you actually love me?"

Chaeyoung held back tears.

"I mean, yeah..."

"You you're not joking?" Jennie asked, finally done laughing.

"I'm not lying! What? Something wrong with it?" Chaeyoung snapped.

"Yes," Jennie replied, "everything is wrong with it."

In all Chaeyoung's life, she had never heard Jennie sound as stern and serious as she did now. Not to mention how nervous Chaeyoung was.

"See, you're a LESBIAN," Jennie's tone was full on venom, "and I'm STRAIGHT." Jennie continued still. "If your small brain needs clarification, you're a homo Chaeyoung, and being homo is bad. Daddy wouldn't approve now would he?"

Anger overcame Chaeyoung.

"Fine!" Chae shouted, throwing the cupcakes to the floor. "I think I have my answer!"

Chaeyoung stormed off down the hallway, passing by Lisa and Jisoo.

"Hey Jennie, she okay?" Lisa asked.

"I just had to teach her a little right from wrong, that's all." Jennie smiled.

"What did you teach her exactly..?" Jisoo asked, trying to hide her fear.

"Just, oh how do I say it? How homo is wrong and hetero is right." With that, Jennie walked past Jisoo and Lisa towards the exit. "If you don't mind, I have a girl's heart to break into a million pieces, see you!"

Lisa and Jisoo gave each other looks of pure shock.

"Did..." Jisoo looked down to the cupcakes. "Did Chaeyoung really do this for Jennie?"

"She really loved her, and this hardcore of a rejection is harsh, especially when it's your best friend." Lisa said.

"And to think, sweet little Jennie would turn the tides..." Jisoo commented.

"Speaking of which, she's on a Chaeyoung heartbreak mission, so let's go help Chaeyoung out." Lisa grabbed Jisoo's hand and led them out the door and in the direction of Chaeyoung's house.

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