The Kiss

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Jimin's arms were around Jungkook by now , a slight blush was showing on Jungkook's face, yet he felt the rush of helplessness. Jimin then bent back Jungkook's head across his arm and kissed him, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made him cling to Jimin as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. Jimin insistent mouth was parting Jungkook's shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves, evoking from his sensations he had never known he was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun him round and round, he knew that he was kissing Jimin back.

"Stop-please, I'm faint!" Jungkook whispered, trying to turn his head weakly from Jimin. He pressed Jungkook's head back hard against his shoulder and he had a dizzy glimpse of his face. His eyes were wide and blazing queerly and the tremor in his arms frightened Jungkook.

"I want to make you faint. I will make you faint...Jungkook , I love you..!"


Jimin forcefully pushed Jungkook towards the wall behind them. That crazy tongue of his was ready to go wild in Jungkook's mouth. Now that he has Jungkook leaning back against a wall, he starts leaning into him. One hand around his waist, the other behind his head. Then, Jimin slowly pressed his lips against Jungkook.

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