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Rosalie had no idea what to do. She was given the Tour, and it didn't answer many of her questions. Alby being Alby, he didn't answer any of her direct questions.

"Rosalie. C'mon. Lunch," Newt tapped her shoulder, and helped her up.

"It's okay. I'm not hungry," She insisted. Truth is, she was hungry, but wasn't in the mood for food. Call it crazy, but it was true.

"Rosa. You have to eat." Rosa? She smiled at the nick-name.

"Fine," Rosalie groaned at the fact that one way or another she would have to eat, and got up, following Newt.

"How's it been going, Greenie?"

"Don't call me 'Greenie' and okay, I guess. Alby really hates me though," She sighed about how people already hated her, and made a mental note to try to be nice, well nicer, so they would like her.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just... Scared. Of what a girl could mean. He in charge. Anything that happens would be her fault," Newt put a hand on Rosalie's shoulder. She felt somewhat comforted, but only momentarily. The comfort was taken away by the sickening feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"I guess," Rosalie's thoughts travelled her family, of whom she didn't remember. Did they miss her? She didn't remember them, but at the same time, she felt a knot in her stomach of longing. Of pain. An empty feeling appeared in her stomach, but she refused to cry. Don't give in, she told herself.

"Hey, you okay?" Newt sounded genuinely concerned for her well being, and that brought a tingle of hope inside the strawberry blonde. Hope that she could feel welcome her. That she would be okay.

"Yeah, um, yeah. Okay," Rosalie put on a smile, but Newt wasn't convinced.

"Don't lie to me," Newt suddenly lost the sense of humor she had always admired, and sounded serious.

"I'll be fine. It's just all a little sudden. Is it bad, that, even though I don't remember them, I miss my family?"

"It's not. It's understandable," Newt hugged her, in a friendly way, and ruffled her hair playfully.

"Ah. Stop," Rosalie giggled and ducked out of Newt's 'Wrath of Knuckles'. She ran off, playfully yelling "Catch me if you can!" Over her shoulder. Newt tried to catch up to her, but with his limp and all, it didn't work out all that well.

"Come on, Rosa. Help me up?" He asked, and she complied, took his hand, and with one swift movement, pulled him up. They laughed together, for no apparent reason, and she felt at home with him.

"Let's go get that food."

The Girl Greenie  » Newt  // #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now