The Beginning?

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It was a a dark night. Alex was running through the woods, His eyes glowing red. He quickly stopped when he noticed a marked tree."that's the symbol" Alex said as he examined every inch of the tree. He attempted to touch the symbol but was quickly interrupted by a bright light and a man yelling"this is private property. What are you doing here?" He had no time to chat. Tentacles shot up from the ground, breaking up the dirt and plants. They were an odd turquoise color. The man, unsettled, turned around ready to escape. Before he could move another tentacle sprouted from the ground and shot right through the mans skull. Blood poured down and parts of his skull fell with a pleasing thud. Alex chuckled and touched the symbol. It burned him slightly, causing him to jump back. His eye flickered blue and red. He seemed panicked by the sudden pain in his hand. He looked down at the new wound, it was crisp. A split second caused so much damage to him. He sighed as went on with his mission "Thaneeee. I know you're around hereee." Minutes passed. Then hours. But no word. Alex got tired and decided to give up and turn back. As he turned around he noticed thane was sat up against a tree, completely passed out. Alex chuckled softly as a knife appeared in his hand. Alex pointed the newly summoned blade at Thane. "another glitch. He's so... peaceful?" He said as he got closer to the sleeping body. Thanes eyes opened slowly. He seemed dazed but still ready for an attack. He got up slowly"i mean no harm Alex. I'm a glitch like y-". Thane was interrupted by Alex charging and shifting his knife to his neck, pinning him against the tree. Thane seemed calm, even though he was seconds towards death. "I won't fight back Alex. I wish to be a friend. Not a foe." Alex looks confused and digs the knife into Thanes neck. Blood drips down yet he doesn't fight back. He doesn't show any sign of distress. Alex suddenly seems more angry by Thanes calm reaction. "what is your deal?!" He said as he jumped back, glitched particles spreading around his body. Thane smiled softly and healed his neck along with Alex's hand. Alex sighed"it's my mission. I was supposed to kill you. I can't just let you go". Thane let out a small chuckle and observed Alex from a distance "But there is no reason to kill me. I haven't done anything worth killing for". Alex seemed to calm down a bit and go quiet."there isn't any reason to kill you. Is there?" he said with a soft smile. the smile suddenly faded away"then what was the point of my mission?". Thane looked up at the moon. The moonlight causing his eyes to sparkle"the point was to kill a glitch. But what's the point if they show no harm right?" Alex held out his hand. Thane brushed off his pants and shook Alex's hand gently. They both seemed pretty tired from the conversation. Alex sighed and started walking away but was interrupted by Thane grabbing his shoulder"hey. My house is close by. You wanna crash there?" Alex looked at him in shock but soon came over it with a soft smile"i have a brother to take care of. I needed the money from this mission to help him." Thane let out a soft sigh and smiled. "Well hey. Maybe i can help him out at my house. I have a few friends there who can help." He suddenly felt fearful. All he wants is for his brother to be safe. Is this a good idea? He hesitated but gave in"hell i guess I'll give this a shot. But the second you try anything suspicious I'm going through with my mission. Deal?". Thane started walking towards the exit of the woods"of course. I wouldn't plan to".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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