9.The Real Interview

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 Media day. I see why Michael never liked doing interviews like that. Waking up early and everything is not it. I mean hey I love the oppotunity I have but still its alot of work to promote a race. Seriously we couldn't just did this over the phone? Well, I'm here now and ready to go on The Real to do some girl chat so lets listen in.

"You ready for this?" Michael ask me.

"Yeah of course. First time being on daytime T.V this is exciting." I said.

"Hey we will be in the audience just in case you feel uncomfortable." Tiffany said.

"Okay wish me luck guys!" I said waving to them as I walked to meet the producer of the show.

"Girl you look beautiful. Okay the hosts will do their intro and then they will introduce you as their guest cohost." The producer said.

"Okay so where should I stand?" I ask him.

"Over there right by the stage entrance." I went over to the stage entrance and stood there. I was a wearing a tight fit Fashinova all red dress with the Drivercity logo engrave with gold. The producer countdown to the start of the show. The Intro came on.

"Welcome to The Real. The show that keeps everything real. With your host Loni Love, Jeanine Mai, Adrianne Houghton, and Me Tamera Housely." The host came out and started dancing with the crowd. They took their seats and the song cuts off. The audience was cheering for them loudly.

"Welcome to the real everyone! This is a speical episode of the real because we are live in my hometown of NEW, YORK, CIIITTTYYYY!" The crowd cheer.

"Not only that Munckin but we are also here as guest because within two weeks time New York will host his 5th Annual Central Park Run. The best racers from all over New York and around America will be competing for cash prizes and bragging rights, also the main event race is gonna be a special one. Ryan "Razor" Callahan Jr will be competing for the Street King Title against the Street King lovely Girlfriend Nalaysia Lauren!" The crowd cheer loudly for Loni Statement.

"That right real fam and guess who is here with us to cohost today show and be with us at the table for girl chat. She is the next living racing legend, a member of the Team Drivercity and of course Michael love, she is the next Street Queen NALAYSIA LAURENNNN GET ON OUT HERE GIRL!" The music played and I walked out to the stage dancing and laughing. I am having so much fun. I hug all the hosts and then I waive to the crowd and took a seat.

"They really love you here!" Jeanine said with excitement.

"Yes, yes they do!" I said with a smile. The audience took their seats and stop cheering.

"Girl welcome to the real." Adrainne said.

"Thank you it's an honor to be here. I watch your show everyday with Michael."

"Well, speaking of Michael look who is here sitting in the auidence! That is right the Street King himself Michael Williams and his team Drivercity!" Tamera said with excitment. The crowd cheer for them.

"See the whole gang is here. Now Nalaysia the question is, are you ready for som girl chat?" Loni ask me.

"Oh yes I am lets get into it." The crowd cheer.

"Alright ya, since each episode of the show is gonna discuss the upcoming Central Park Run. Our girl chat is now gonna turn into race chat. So, as you may know a couple months ago after the race between Michael and Razor some unfortunate events happened that lead to the Street King being hospitalized for a couple of weeks. Yesterday Michael Mom the Mayor of NYC Rosalina Williams was on ABC news world tonigh with David Muir to disucss the race and Razor. Listen to what she have to say." A video played after Adrianne statement.

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