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Ridwan immediately got a train to Kaduna. And from Kaduna he got a plane to Katsina.

He called an Uber and rushed to the location as if a person who lost his mind. Upon reaching the location, he moved into an uncompleted building and moved around trying to find her. But he noticed something

On a normal kidnap he would have seen guards with guns and whatnot but none was here. Abruptly, A figure came to his view.

He moved back rubbing his eyes  to see if it's really what he's seeing or a mere figment of imagination

"Surpresa!" Irfan widened his hand smiling

"Irfan?" He asked mouth agape

Irfan didn't answer him. He just walked deep towards the building. Ridwan ran to catch up with him. He kept asking him questions like, 'how would you do that' and 'how could you stoop so low' but Irfan didn't look at him talk less of answering him.  He stopped immediately he reached the place Afrah was but Ridwan was surprised as he saw her sitting down on the floor and not tied to a chair.

"Afrah." He called out But Afrah didn't answer. A little punishment won't hurt right?

"Afrah let's go. I don't want him to hurt you please!"

Afrah glared at him" As you can see I'm alright."

Irfan smirked "Now you care about her not being hurt? After you bruised emotional scars on her heart? I think you have no right to talk here. Afrah is going no where."

"Irfan when did you become that? Huh? The Irfan I know won't hurt a soul."

"It's still the Irfan you know but circumstances do make a person change." he shrugged

"Now tell me what you want?"Ridwan asked not knowing what to do. How could Irfan do that?! How?  And most especially, Why?

"I don't want anything because you have nothing to give me." Irfan spoke hands akimbo

"I don't? Then why all this?" He rose his hand up and also pointed at Afrah absently

Irfan smiled "You don't care about her do you? You don't love her you both are just friends right?" Irfan said mockingly

"No Irfan! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS!" Ridwan yelled taking Afrah by surprise but Irfan on the other hand wasn't surprised but rather, he smiled tapping Ridwan's shoulder
" I might love Afrah but you both are made for one another." He smiled widely while they stare at him perplexed

He laughed "Okay, first of all Ridwan I didn't tell you this. I love Afrah but I realised that you are made for each other and as her lover, I have to make sacrifices for the both of you if truly I want your happiness. I did this to make you realise the love you have for Afrah and most especially Accept it. Remember I told you I'll help you right? And don't worry about me. I've gotten My own Chefra and I taught myself how to love her." He shrugged while Afrah and Ridwan both stood surprised and pleased which Afrah couldn't hold her tears. Who wouldn't ask for Irfan Ya Allah!

Ridwan ran and engulfed Irfan in a bone crushing hug "How can I ever pay you bro? How?"

"By loving Afrah. Don't hurt her feelings anymore." Irfan warned playfully

Afrah stood up, closing her eyes so the tears would fall "Thank you Irfan! I wish I had an elder brother like you."

Irfan playfully glared at her "You wish? I'm totally hurt seriously. Then what am I? A stone? Or a statue?"

"Sorry! You are my Elder brother but seriously there's no sister who wouldn't ask for an elder brother like you. Thank you so much."

"Aw, you're welcome even though it wasn't really my idea." Irfan shrugged

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