Chapter 1.

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"He slowly approached her, gently cupping her face in the palm of his warm hand. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. My world is dark." He whispered letting her go. She softly grabbed his hand in hers looking into his honey brown eyes. Then let me be the light."


"Dad you can't just take my card!"

I slowly look up from my book in the direction of my sister Mary, one hand on her slimming hip as she used the other one to move her long honey colored hair off of her shoulders.

"Yes actually I can Mary; you have already spent 3 thousand dollars this week."

Dad replied not looking up from his desk. She huffed.

"It was an emergency."

She defended rolling her eyes. Sighing he picked up a paper off his desk. "600 Dollars on a pair of shoes, How is that an emergency?"

He asked glancing up at her through his glasses. She shrugged.

"They were on sale."

Mair stated as if that explained everything. He ran his hands through his dark hair before turning back to his paperwork. When he didn't reply she continued,

"Besides we own a hotel its not like 600 dollars is a big deal."

He laughed


He asked looking over at me. I simply smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Well since 'We' own this hotel I guess I can go and you can do this paperwork. Sound good?"

Mary rolled her eyes crossing her arms.

"Very funny Dad, You know what I meant." "You're 17 Mary, When are you going to grow up and learn some responsibility?''

She scoffed

"I am reasonable, For example I didn't buy the bag that matched those shoes." He huffed clearly defeated.

"Look, I will only use it for things that I really need I promise."

She flashed her toothy smile at him, the one that got her out of every argument.


she pushed. He rubbed his forehead

"Okay fine, I will let it go this time but honestly Mair you need to manage money a little better."

She nodded kissing his cheek

"Thank you Daddy."

Grabbing her card back from him she turned on her heals and walked out.

I chuckled shaking my head.


He asked smirking at me.

"Thank you Daddy"

I mocked He laughed turning his attention back to his work. Turning I glance out the window at the beautiful Florida sky. It was so peaceful here mid July. I sighed emerging myself once more into my book. "Dark" One of the most amazing Books to date, I have read it 4 times, but each time I do I never cease to re fall in love with it. To have a life full of excitement and romance is all any 16 year old girl would want really. To feel like you're living on the edge. I have never felt that, I mean the closest I ever got to 'Danger' was when Mary dragged me to the mall on Black Friday. People who literally fight each other over a shoe that's 50% off, I don't understand it.

"Hello earth to Layla!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced up to see Maci. Razing an eyebrow she put her little hands on her hips.

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