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Sonic wakes up, he feels grass beneath him, seeing the sky above him. It is late at night.

He decides to run around for a bit, not yet questioning why he woke up at this hour. He heads home, to his and Tails' house, but finds something shocking. As he steps into his bedroom, Sonic finds Tails picking up a picture frame of them together, then sitting himself on Sonic's bed, crying. It also appears he turned over countless things in Sonic's room, looking for something— anything, to remember him by. "Wait, but I thought I...", Sonic questions if he is alive. "Oh, Sonic, I wish I could've saved you.", Tails wishes out loud. Sonic frowns. His heart too broken to stay here, also assuming no one could hear him, he dashes away before finding an answer. Tails lifts his head, feeling the familiar breeze. Tails wonders if he is still here, but quickly tells himself it is likely imagined.

Sonic now faces a new challenge, but not like any he has before. He explores Mobius, with no one noticing him. He is a strong a gust of wind to them. Sonic keeps running, until he reaches a lake. He stops, noticing he has no reflection. "Why am I still here?", he wonders, not looking to escape his world, but wondering why he had not fully passed on. He decides to not wait around for answers, and continues to explore, now checking on his friends.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now