Poem One: Death.

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Death is the destruction of life. It's the destruction of family, and when death decides to sweep through your life like a wrecking ball, destruction is what's left. Trying to pick up the tiny pieces of your life, that were shattered like a mirror in front of you. You get cut, and what happens when you get cut? You hurt. You feel pain that you never knew existed. You wished that the sprained ankle you had when you were a kid was the pain you felt, because at the time you thought nothing else could hurt you even more than the pain you were in. But life slices through your heart like a knife, and this time, it's pain you cannot control. You cannot stop.

Because death makes the pain too much to withstand, and in that moment, you wish you were nothing. In that moment, you wish you couldn't feel pain.


(First Poem)

This is my first poem, not the best, not the worst. Hope you enjoy, please stay tuned. :)

Please, & Thank You.


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