Part 1

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It's been almost a year since Whitney and Mick had welcomed there beautiful son into the world. Florence loved playing with her baby brother and always wanted help her mummy bath him. It was almost Freddie first birthday and Whitney was planning a little party for him at the vic, she was going to invite everyone and Frankie helped her with the invites. They was sat at kitchen table and Mick was fixing Florence cereal before Frankie took her to school, Freddie was in his high chair and Florence was showing him her favourite toy. Mick looked at his new little family and couldn't believe how he lucky was. "Right that's all done, shall I take Florence school and post them in everyone door?" "Oh that be great thanks Frankie" "No problem, Florence let's get your coat on give mummy and daddy kiss goodbye" "Bye mummy bye daddy love you" Mick and Whit kissed Florence goodbye and waved them both off.  "Right I best get Freddie washed and dressed, do you mind clearing up for me Mick?" "I don't mind but I can think something else I'd rather be doing" "Oh yeah what's that?" Mick put his cup down on side and walked over to Whitney and kissed her. "I like your thinking mr Carter" "Good because guess what?" "What's that then?" Mick leaned into Whitney whispered he loved her and softy kissed her neck. "Let me take Freddie into livingroom and I'll be right back" "Wait let me put him down for nap and I'll meet you on sofa 2 mins?" "Okay" Mick tucked Freddie in and joined Whitney in livingroom, she was already waiting on sofa for him and he leaned in kissed her and pulled her onto his lap and within seconds his hand was inside her knickers making her moan into his neck before they lips reconnected and he led her back onto sofa and he made love to her. Mick knew exactly what Whitney loved, they always had the most amazing sex and she trusted him  completely.
"Ain't you forgetting something Mick?" "No baby but I knew we had be quick so I thought we could save the toys for tonight?" "Good thinking now where was we?" Mick smiled and continued making love to her "Oh....Mick" "I love you Whitney Dean!" "I love you mr-ohhh mick ahhh" After they finished Mick and Whitney held each other. "Your perfect you know that don't you" "Stop" "I mean it I love you. I'd be lost with you baby" "I'd be lost without you and kids to mick, your love my life" "promise me no matter what we always tell eachother everything baby?" "I Promise come here" Mick pulled Whitney close and they cuddled up together on sofa.

"Dad, whitney" Frankie arrived home after dropping Florence off and posting invites. "Are you up here?" Mick and Whitney quickly jumped up and started putting there clothes back on. "Mick mind door in case she comes in" "Dont worry I'll stall her" "where my T-shirt?" Mick looked around and it was hanging on lampshade "here you go baby" "thanks mick" "Dad where are you?" Frankie tried the livingroom door but couldnt open it. "What's going on? Dad? Whitney?" Are you in there?" Whitney was putting on her leggings so Mick carefully opened the door just enough so Frankie couldn't see inside. "Alright baby. You okay?" "Yeah I've been calling you and Whitney why didn't you answer me?" "Sorry baby we was busy didn't hear you. You okay?" "Yeah I posted the invites and dropped Florence off. I wanted see Whitney wanted to for coffee?" "Um she's um-" "What is she okay? Can I see her?" "She's just-" Frankie pushed opened door and walked into livingroom and Whitney was finishing putting her jumper back on. "Oh no! I'm sorry I'll um-" Frankie raced out leaving Mick and Whitney standing there trying not laugh after that embarrassing but funny moment.
Frankie was in kitchen making cup tea when Mick and Whitney walked in "I just made some tea. Would you two like one?" "I'm alright thanks babe, I need go downstairs and help behind bar" "I'll have one please Frankie" "I'll leave you two lady's to it" Mick have Whitney a kiss and went downstairs. "I'm sorry if we embarrassed you before?" "No it's fine honestly" "it's just me and your dad we don't get much time alone together, not probably since kids arrived" "do you want me move out so you can-?" "No! Absolutely not that's not what I meant, Frankie me and your love having you living with us and we wouldn't have it any other way. Plus the kids adore you" "it's just I miss spending real quality time your dad, I remember when we first started dating we'd go on days out or he'd plan evenings for us I just miss having him all myself even if it's just for half a hour" "I understand completely, I don't mind babysitting if you and dad wanna go out for evening?" "I know you don't Frankie, it's not about us going out it's more of us staying in ya know?" "I get what you mean, I have a idea" "oh yeah?" "Why don't you ask Lola have kids over night and I can go and stay one my friends that way you and dad will have whole night together?" "Really? But that's not fair on you" "don't be silly it's one night and you both need spend some real time together" "your right, thanks Frankie I'll call Lola now"

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