Part 2

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Next day police informed Whitney they'd caught Dean and he'd been arrested untill further noticed. Mick thanked the officers and Frankie showed them out. "Are you okay baby?" Mick went over to Whitney who was staring out kitchen window "Aslong as I have you Mick and our little family I will be fine" "I'm so proud you, you are a fighter and I love you" Frankie was just walking into kitchen and she stopped when she seen her Dad hugging Whitney. "Sorry I'll leave you both to it" "Don't be silly it's fine, actually Frankie I was wondering if you could help me?" "Sure did you want me help with kids?" "Would you mind? I need to pop to shops get some banners and balloons for Freddie birthday tomorrow and Mick would you mind picking his birthday cake up from Kathys she text told me it's ready?" "Are you sure you still wanna do the party? We can always celebrate Freddie birthday just us, he don't need big party babe" "Why should Freddie miss out on a birthday party because what's happened? No Mick its our boy first birthday and we going celebrate it with all our family and friends okay?" "What time you need me collect cake at?" Whitney smiled and gave him a kiss "Thank you babe" Whitney went to shops and picked up all the birthday stuff while Mick picked up the birthday cake. "Alright Mick. How's Whitney doing?" "Oh you know just trying take her mind off it and concentrate on Frankie birthday, she's sent me collect the cake while she picks up the party bits" "Whitney is strong Mick she will get through this and she has you so I know she'll be fine" "thanks babe how much I owe you?" "Oh it's on the house" "Tah babe that's lovely, make sure you pop in tonight and have drink on house"

Back at vic Whitney was back from shops and was in the bedroom wrapping up Freddie birthday presents, putting the cake away he went and checked on Whit. "You alright babe?" "yeah that's Freddie's gifts all wrapped. Did you get the cake?" "Yeah Kathy said it's a gift" "Aw that was lovely of her did you hide it from kids? You know they love chocolate cake" "Dont worrie I've hidden it well and yeah I told her pop in later for a drink, did you get all the stuff for party?" "Yeah everything is sorted the only thing I got get is some candles" "I'll ask Frankie pick some up later what you fancy for dinner tonight?" "I was going cook us fish pie?" "Yeah sounds lovely babe" "I'm just going grab shower then I'll start dinner" "Okay babe" Mick gave her kiss in passing went put kettle on and he heard kids coming upstairs with Stacey. "Alright Mick. Where's Whit?" "Hi stace, she's just in shower babe, have a little plot I'll just sort kids and I'll make you cup tea" "No your alright I can't stop, I need get back Martin and kids.  I just wanted see if Whit okay?" "She's keeping herself busy but honestly stace I'm worried about her. I promised her I'd never hurt her and I'd always look after her and  I've let her down" "you havn't let her down Mick, Whitney loves you and this isn't your fault it's Dean's, you two been through so much don't let him break you both" "I won't babe I love bones of her and I can't imagine life without her or kids. I just don't know what I can say or do help her" "You are helping me Mick" Mick turned round Whitney walked over to him and kissed him "I love you so much and please stop blaming yourself this isn't your fault, I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself" Mick pulled her into his arms and held her close Stacey looked them hugging and decided give them some privacy "I'll leave you both to it" "Actually Stace if you ain't in hurry do you mind having a chat?" Stacey looked Mick "I'll leave you two lady's to it, if you need me baby I'll be in livingroom with kids" Whitney sat down opposite Stace "You okay Whit?" "Yeah just feeling tired busy day, you and kids still coming to party tomorrow?" "Yeah definitely kids can't wait" "Good Florence is excited see Hope" "Aww bless, so is everything okay? Just you said you need chat?" "Yeah just Im worried about Mick Stace, I seen how he was when he went through same thing with Linda. I'm worried if Dean gets let off again Mick will do something stupid, I can't lose him Stace he's my rock and thought him behind bars scares me" "Have you talked to him about your concerns?" "No. I don't wanna say anything untill after Freddie birthday, I don't want anything ruin his day" "If you want I'll take kids next day and you can sit Mick down and talk?" "Would you mind Stace? That would be good" "course not" "thank you"
That evening after Mick closed up Frankie helped him clean downstairs while Whitney put the kids to bed and got all party stuff ready. "Right here's the banners and balloons put up, Mick do you mind blowing these up please babe?" "Gives them here" "Frankie can you give me hand putting this banner up please" "sure" Whitney went stand on one stalls and Mick told them both stop and get down. "Gives it here I'll do it, you two finish blowing these balloons up" Finally everything was ready for Freddie in morning, the only thing left to do was put the food out but Whitney was going to do that in the morning. "Right that's everything, thanks your help tonight Frankie" "that's alright I'll see you both in morning night" "night baby" "night Frankie" Whitney checked on kids before climbing into bed "You okay baby?" "Yeah just feeling so tired" "try and get some sleep baby, busy day tomorrow" "I know I love you and thank you" "what for?" "For your help today" "don't need thank me babe and I love you to good night" "night" Mick pulled Whitney close and she fell asleep in his arms.

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