Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- The Dango Problem🍡
"..."- Talking
'...'- Thinking

(A/N- Should I make a list of what ships with Naruto might be in here? The main ship is going to be a secret, though. Should I give hints each story of who the person is? Anyway, enjoy the story!)

It was the second day, before Nana has to leave for her mission. She had everything she needed for the mission ready. Today, Nana wants to relax and maybe try to cook some more. She was still learning how to cook and her mother had left her recipe books for her to learn. Though Nana likes to cook, Kurama doesn't Nana has set off a "couple" of fires and almost burnt the kitchen down. Kurama will admit she is getting a bit better, but he still doesn't like the idea of her cooking.

Nana wore an blue kimono with white patterns that reached her knees, her clan symbol, and a black obi. She was sitting in the yard reading a book about cooking. Kurama was sleeping next to her. He is mostly sleeping and always with Nana or just watching over Nana most of his time. 'hmm~ I want some Dango. Oh, I wonder if there is some inside. Maybe I should go check'. Nana stood up and started to walk towards the house. Kurama looks up to see Nana walking inside. 'oh my kami, why does this girl move around so much'. Kurama got up a started to follow Nana.

When They Got to the Kitchen

Nana was looking inside of the fridge. She couldn't find any Dango. 'oh kami, why is there no Dango in this house!!' Nana closed the fridge, and walked to the door of the mansion. She was in such a rush, she didn't notice she put on heels. "Madam Nana, where are you going?" one of the maids asked. "I'm going to the Dango shop in the village." Nana answered quickly. "Mada-" the maid was cut of by the door closing. "Oh my, I think Madam Nana is on her period. I mean she doesn't like Dango that much, and she only eats them on her period." spoke another maid, who just entered the room. "Ahhh!!!" the first maid screamed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." the second maid said.

Nana was now walking the street with Kurama right behind her. 'I'm pretty sure the Dango shop is on the other side of the village. Uh why is it so far, I don't have time for this. Uhh 🙄.' Nana turned around picked up Kurama and shunshined to the other side of the village.

Nana appeared near the market. She didn't feel like shunshining again so she ran. When she was in a 5 meter radius of the shop, she stopped running and placed Kurama down. 'geez, this girl is fast like her father. I don't think she noticed she's wearing heels, more importantly how does her feet not hurt. Well at least I don't have to walk a lot.' Kurama followed behind Nana, as she walked to the shop.

When They Got There

Nana saw Shisui, Itachi, Izumi, and another person unfamiliar to her sitting near the shop. The group noticed Nana and waved at her. Nana just continued her walk towards the shop. Once, she got to the shop she let out a breath. " Hello Nana!" Shisui greeted Nana. "Hello Shisui~san." Nana greeted him as well, but she was facing the wall. "wow, your feet must hurt from those heels." the unfamiliar person said. That made Nana pop a vein, she got ready to punch the person in the face.

POW!! The person got punched in the face, they were K.O. Everyone started sweating, Nana looked back at the group with a glare saying if you say anything you're dead. The group for sure knew Nana was in that time of the month. "Nana, would you like some Dango?" Itachi asked, Izumi sneakily went to aid her knocked out lover. Only people who knew Nana real well, knew that when on her time of the month she loves to eat Dango. The first time she got it was like Satan released all hell upon them, she got her period early, too.

Flashback Itachi's POV(I was about to say sexyback)

"Mother I'm going to hangout with some friends, now." I told my mother, hopefully she doesn't worry about me. "Okay, just be back before dinner!" My mother shouted from the kitchen. I put on my shoes and left the house. 'Sasuke is out training with dad.' I continued walking to meet up with Shisui~san.

When Shisui and Itachi Meet Up

"Hey Itachi! Do you want to go visit Nana with me?" Shisui asked me. I responded with a small nod. "How about we bring some Dango with us?" Shisui asked. I replied with another nod. We started our journey to Nana's house, which was actually a mansion.

When They Got to the Mansion

We knocked on the door and a maid opened it widely. We saw maids and butlers everywhere, some maids and butlers carrying blankets, sweets, and massage items. Others were cleaning the area, the rest were helping the others. The house looked messy with shattered glass everywhere and water, too. The maids and butlers had "save us" written all over their faces. They looked like they have been tortured.

"Sirs, what can I help you with?" The maid who opened the door asked us. "Oh we just came to see Nana." Shisui spoke to the maid. "I see, Lady Nana is in a terrible mood right now." The maid informed us.

"Oh, can we still see her?" Shisui asked again. "Are you sure?" The maid asked for confirmation. "We're sure." Shisui answered her. "Okay." The maid let us in, and guided us to her room. When we got close enough to the room. We heard a bunch of noise, like screaming and crying. "Here we are." The maid announced to us. "Oh, thanks for your help." Shisui and I bowed to show gratitude to the maid and knocked on Nana's door. "C-come in!" A voice from inside commanded.

We opened the door and saw how messy the room was. Nana was under the blanket. When we entered the room, we saw Nana's parents. They looked at us, "oh Itachi and Shisui! What a surprise to see you here." Kushina exclaimed. "We came to visit Nana!" Suddenly a vase was thrown towards our head. We dodged it then looked in the direction it came from and saw Nana. 'Nana looks very scary and in pain at the same time.' I started to think. "We brought something for Nana." I said, which seemed to catch their attention. I walked toward Nana and pulled out the Dango.

Nana sat up and looked at the box with tears in her eyes. I opened the box and there lay three Dango sticks. I held one out and she took a bite. Her face lit up with happiness as she enjoyed the Dango. 'I guess I solved the problem.' I spoke to myself.

End of Flashback + End of Itachi's POV

"Yesh Please!" Nana said with happiness and a cheerful face. Itachi held out one stick of Dango. Nana took a bite and was contented with the food given to her. Shisui and Izumi just stood there happy that she wasn't in her mood anymore. After a while, Izumi's lover was conscious again. They introduced themselves to Nana. Nana was still staring into their soul like they were a waste of space. Until Itachi shoved a dango into her mouth and she was in paradise.

End of Chapter 6!
The word count is 1323. Sorry for being two weeks late. Motivation kept going away, because of school. I hope you enjoy this, and hopefully you enjoyed your Halloween. I hope your day is well. See you next chapter!

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