the meet and greet

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I had just got back to our penthouse from my fight, and as soon as I walked in Vegas picked me up by my thighs so I was straddling him.

"How did it go?"

I rolled my eyes "don't act like you didn't watch my fight on the cameras."

He only smirked and went in for a kiss.

I immediately kissed back, but pulled away quickly.

"I need a shower"

He rolled his eyes before he put me down.

When my feet hit the ground I remembered a very important question "whats for dinner?"

He gave me cheeky smile before telling me some amazing news "chicken and dumplings".

Yes chicken and dumplings are my favorite.
I quickly headed to our room and took a shower.
I shaved, moisturized and washed my hair.
The shower only took about 30 minutes.

When I got out of the shower I dressed in Vegas's black Audi hoodie, and a pair of black spandex.

I took about five minutes brushing out my hair before running to the dinning room.

When I got there Vegas was putting the food on our plates.

He looked up at me and smiled as I sat down.

Right as I fully sat down the doorbell rang.

I looked at him in confusion and he returned the look.

We both stood up and made our way to the door.

As we walked by the kitchen Vegas grabbed two guns out of a cabinet. He handed one to me and kept the other for himself.

When we got to the door he held the gun discreetly to the side as he opened it.

There were two police officers.

They looked up and asked."does a sky Renaldo happen to live here?"

We looked at them with blank expressions before I answered " why do you need me."

One of the cops looked nervously at me before saying "your old foster parents filled a missing person report 3 years ago, and when you were in the hospital your blood sample flagged ."

He paused as if letting that information sink in.

"We found you because of that, and called your father. He said he wanted custody"

I gave Vegas the oh shit what do we do look and he asked "when is he going to get her."

The cop looked hesitant before answering "he is planning on picking her up in an hour"

While I was having a freak out Vegas was calm and collected "Instead of going down to the station can he pick her up here."

The cops talked it over for a minutes before saying "we will call him and ask for him to meet here."

After that being said they walked out of the door. When they left seeing range we went back in the apartment, and I sat in the couch.

Vegas walked over to me and lifted me up before putting me in his lap.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head in the crook of my neck.

"How are you feeling about this?"

I had to think about his question for a few minutes before answering. "I don't exactly know how to feel about this, what if he is an asshole like my foster parents. Or or what if he doesn't let me see you."

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