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They were a band of four. She was all alone. They had a family that loved them. She had know one. They had a house to come home to, a job to go to everyday and reason to live. She had alleyways and the underneath of bridges, a school to dread and she was only living for herself and even that was slowly dwindling away. They were happy. She was not. They found her. She wasn't saved, yet.

She walked down the street, the same route that she took everyday. Her teacher wanted to talk to her so she was running late. She spotted the bridge and site of where she slept every night. She forgot to look both ways before she crossed the road and WHOOSH. A car whizzed past her. She was taken aback but tried to cross again. Another car flew past her narrowly missing her. She went onto the road and was half way across when a car from the other lane swerved at her. It pulled out of her line a the last second and she ran across.

The car stopped the doors opened. She tensed and started to run. The girls chased after her calling her name but she didn't stop. Her being tiny and only 7 the girls had an advantage. They caught up to her and trapped her. The tallest one who was holding her struggling frame said "shh shh, calm down honey" in a soothing tone. She twisted and squirmed to no avail. She finally stood still. The tall girl said "what's your name hun". She responded breathlessly "Camila". The tall girl said "I'm Dinah. Where are you headed Camila". Camila pointed to underneath the bridge. She said quietly "I meet my mom there. I need to go". Dinah let go of the girl but kept hold of her hand. She said "okay, we'll take you there Camila".

The other girls started to walk towards the bridge with the pair following close behind. When they neared Dinah frowned. The site didn't look like a meeting place for a mother and child, it looked like a site for a homeless family. Dinah took the girl to what she assumed to be her bed and let go of her hand. Dinah reached into her pocket and got out a piece of paper. She scribbled her phone number onto it and handed to Camila saying "that's my phone number Camila. I want you to go to the library tomorrow and call that number. I'll tell them that you're coming and you can call for free". Camila nodded and said horsely "goodbye". Dinah waved and the group walked away.

Camila waited at the spot where her mom told her to meet her everyday, but no one showed up. All night she waited awake for her, but she never came. Camila went to school as usual and went back to the bridge after. Her mom never showed up. The routine went on for three day. Everyday Camila would get a bagged lunch from the school because she said that she forgot it. On the fourth day Dinah showed up while Camila was sitting in her sleeping bag.

Dinah sat down across from Camila. She said "I know that you're living here". Camila shook her head "no I'm not I'm just waiting for my mom to come here so we can go home". Dinah said "your mom hasn't come home for three days. I'm not leavening you here. You can come with me". Camila shook her head "no my mom's coming back she'll be here soon". Dinah said "just come with me for tonight. It' supposed to be cold and I don't want you to be out here alone. I'll take you here everyday and if your mom shows up you can go back with her". Camila still shook her head. Dinah picked the undernourished child up. Camila said "NO, you can' tatie me. You don't know me". When Dinah made no move to put her down she said "can you at least get Myles". Dinah looked in Camila sleeping bag and inside was a fair sized dog. It was mostly skin and bones but it was definitely a dog. Camila called the dog out and it listened. Dinah started to walk away with Camila in her arms and the dog followed.

The odd group went to Dinah's car. Dinah wasn't prepared to be taking a little girl home so she just child locked the seatbelt and allowed the dog in.

The entire ride consisted of Dinah and all of the girls except for Ally and Lauren pushing questions at the small homeless girl. Camila never answered at least not with words, dinah who was watching her more carefully then the other two saw her flinch when some questions were asked. Ally pulled up to the house the four girls shared. All the girl except for Camila got out. Dinah unbuckled her seatbelt and the small girl bolted.

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